I've managed to find the HTML file that shows the personal assignment list. I've even manged to track down what is in nodeRec. But I can't find any way of accessing the data held in the USERDATA column in either WWORK or WSUBWORK. I just want to get at the data so I can traffic light the contents of the assignment list.
The status column is pretty obvious but not much use as it only has two possible ststuses as far as I can tell OK and STEP LATE. We need an escalation before that.
Just some pointers on how to access the workflow in OScript would do. The docs I have are terrible.
This is all 9.2.
many thanks
The status column is pretty obvious but not much use as it only has two possible ststuses as far as I can tell OK and STEP LATE. We need an escalation before that.
Just some pointers on how to access the workflow in OScript would do. The docs I have are terrible.
This is all 9.2.
many thanks