this should be generally simple to do. I would like to display a messagebox to the user just befor the desktop loads during windows start up. I imagine it would be best to just make a simple vbs script with one line of code such as:
msgbox("enter whatever here")
does anyone out there have any advice as to what would be the best way to do this? What file do I have to save the script in to get it to at startup? If I drop it in the startup folder will it run? Just wanna see what you guys would do befor I get to work on it.
msgbox("enter whatever here")
does anyone out there have any advice as to what would be the best way to do this? What file do I have to save the script in to get it to at startup? If I drop it in the startup folder will it run? Just wanna see what you guys would do befor I get to work on it.