I've been having a devil of a time trying to disable the localization in a Struts/Ejb application. I'm using bean:write tags that take currency format strings from a resource bundle. For some reason, Struts tries to convert the formatting to a locale appropriate form (i.e. using commas instead of decimals for French users). But this only happens when I explicitly set the format in the tag (format=). If I try to refer to a key in my resource file (formatKey=), I get:
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Wrong format string: '$###,###,##0.00'
I don't need localization at this time, but when I do, I'd like to continue to use en-us formatting for currency. How do I turn it off, and when I'm ready to re-enable it, how do I stop the JspException from occurring?
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Wrong format string: '$###,###,##0.00'
I don't need localization at this time, but when I do, I'd like to continue to use en-us formatting for currency. How do I turn it off, and when I'm ready to re-enable it, how do I stop the JspException from occurring?