I am creating a small application that will allow me to copy specific data from a range of cells within one column of one excel worksheet to a new worksheet in a new workbook. How can I copy that specific data to the new worksheet? I am getting errors on the copy and paste portion. I am getting a Run-time error of 9, Subscript out of range. Also, is there a way to obtain the specific error?
I am creating a small application that will allow me to copy specific data from a range of cells within one column of one excel worksheet to a new worksheet in a new workbook. How can I copy that specific data to the new worksheet? I am getting errors on the copy and paste portion. I am getting a Run-time error of 9, Subscript out of range. Also, is there a way to obtain the specific error?
Public Function findSystem()
Dim SysCell As Range
Dim System As String
'Excel Properties
Dim rCells As Range
Dim rRange As Range
Excel.Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each rCells In Worksheets(1).Range("A13:A49")
If InStr(rCells, "SYSTEM NAME:") Then
System = Mid(rCells, 23, 255)
'worksheets to be copied
Workbooks("olddocument.xls").Worksheets("20MAR08 Complete").Activate
'Copy worksheet to workbook
'*****ERROR BEGINS HERE*************
Worksheets("20MAR08 Complete").Copy Before:=Workbooks("selectedData.xls").Sheets(1)
'I want to copy the data from the 'System' variable
'this is wrong, so I commented it out
' Range(System).Copy("selectedData.xls").Sheets (1)
Exit For
End If
On Error Resume Next
End Function