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How do I collect data from a form and print it on a page?

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May 29, 2000
Hello Perl world. I have a question that is really quite basic, but is not working the way that I want it to.<br><br>Ok, I have an HTML form that allows the user to input their name, age, etc.<br><br>Then, when submitted, I have it run through a CGI script (PERL of course) so that the contents can be displayed on a new page.<br><br>I have this as the way to collect the data: <br><br><FONT FACE=monospace> $name = $formdata{'name'};<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;$age = $formdata{'age'};<br><br>print &quot;Content-type:text/html\n\n&quot;;<br>print &lt;&lt;EOF;<br><br>&lt;HTML&gt;<br>&lt;HEAD&gt;<br>&lt;TITLE&gt;The contents of your form&lt;/TITLE&gt;<br>&lt;/HEAD&gt;<br>&lt;BODY BGCOLOR=white&gt;<br>Your name is: $name&lt;BR&gt;<br>Your age is: $age&lt;BR&gt;<br>&lt;/BODY&gt;<br>&lt;/HTML&gt;<br>EOF<br><br></font><br><br>Ok, when I run the scrip through the form, all that appears on the page is<br><br>Your name is: <br>Your age is:<br><br>with there being after the words.<br>Can anyone help, could it have to do with my server or code? Is the <FONT FACE=monospace>$formdata{}</font> built in variable out of date and a better one to use?<br><br>Please help.<br><br>Thanks in advanced to anyone who can.<br><br>Vic Cherubini<br>CEO V O I D Interactive
If you know enough to figure it out ( you need to know a little) , Lincoln Stein's CGI.pm module is a useful tool.<br><br>I don't see anything wrong with the code you included.&nbsp;&nbsp;I expect you are correctly suspicious of the formdata hash.&nbsp;&nbsp;It must be doing something other than what you think it is, or, the field names from the HTML are other than you think they are.
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