How do I change the background color of cells in table for NS 4.x?
The script below only works in IE. I tried to change it to document.layers. something.
It doesn't work either. Could we get something like this working in NS?
function changebgcolo(cellslayer,cellscolor) {
<tr><td id="cells1" style="background-color:#EFEFEF"><a href="#" onClick=changebgcolo('cells1','red')>blah</a><td id="cells2" style="background-color:#EFEFEF"><a href="#" onClick=changebgcolo('cells2','red')>blah,blah</a>
The script below only works in IE. I tried to change it to document.layers. something.
It doesn't work either. Could we get something like this working in NS?
function changebgcolo(cellslayer,cellscolor) {
<tr><td id="cells1" style="background-color:#EFEFEF"><a href="#" onClick=changebgcolo('cells1','red')>blah</a><td id="cells2" style="background-color:#EFEFEF"><a href="#" onClick=changebgcolo('cells2','red')>blah,blah</a>