Hi, I need help breaking out of a loop after x number of minutes. The following script loops every 5 seconds until txtout = txtin. The script loops indefinitely if txtout does not equal txtin.
How do I break out of the loop after 10 minutes?
'Loop start
txtout = JavaWindow("HorizON").JavaTable("BaseTable").GetCellData(0, "Text")
txtin = DataTable("Txt_Input", dtLocalSheet)
datatable ("Txt_Output", dtLocalSheet) = txtout
If txtout = txtin Then
wait 5
Exit Do
End If
msgbox "Text Input: " & txtin & vbcr & "EQUALS" & vbcr & "Text Ouptut: " & txtout
How do I break out of the loop after 10 minutes?
'Loop start
txtout = JavaWindow("HorizON").JavaTable("BaseTable").GetCellData(0, "Text")
txtin = DataTable("Txt_Input", dtLocalSheet)
datatable ("Txt_Output", dtLocalSheet) = txtout
If txtout = txtin Then
wait 5
Exit Do
End If
msgbox "Text Input: " & txtin & vbcr & "EQUALS" & vbcr & "Text Ouptut: " & txtout