provide a very good FREE script for member areas, its is a CGI script which uses .htaccess and .htpassword (or sumthin like that). As Wullie said its best if you can use this.
Wullie has a deadly script for creating htaccess files so answer his question. And check does your host support these!
If the member area is not so "sensitive" you can use a client side java script to protect that area, I use one, they are easy to install (in seconds) but the security level is VERY POOR, but its fine if you just want to keep the ordinary John Doe away. Here is one I use:
the javascript protection scripts aren't THAT bad. one day i was reading a post about this, so i went out and searched for sites offering free javascript password protection scripts. most i could break, but i found the only strong ones were the ones that have the password constant. it's not as easy as just looking at the sorce code (wich can be view under ANY sercunstances) becuase the password is part of a file name, usualy the file name of a .js file. this file has information in witch is needed to get past the protection...
Hi TheocraticMind,
I use javascript password areas, the fact that they are sooo easy to set up is very attractive for me! It takes literally seconds to put one in place. Problem is, anyone with a little bit of knowledge can easily get the source js file, especially if someone calles it mypasswords.js!!
But they are good to keep the general public out, which is all I need anyway!
The one I posted above is pretty good, if it can be modified to encrypt the code or the passwords it would help too.
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