We need to do some file system re-arranging on our Unix system running Oracle Our goal is to move our on-line redo log files and our conrol files from filesystems, FS-a and FS-b, to filesystems, FS-c and FS-d...While the database is up and running.
I successfully moved the on-line redo log files, but I cannot see any syntax in the ref. manuals to add control files (to FS-c and FS-d), then drop unwanted ones (from FS-a and FS-b) while the database is up and running. When I have moved control files in the past, I have done so with a Unix "mv", then modified the control_files entry in the init<SID>.ora file. Is this the only way to make this change or can I, in fact, do what I want while the database is running?
I successfully moved the on-line redo log files, but I cannot see any syntax in the ref. manuals to add control files (to FS-c and FS-d), then drop unwanted ones (from FS-a and FS-b) while the database is up and running. When I have moved control files in the past, I have done so with a Unix "mv", then modified the control_files entry in the init<SID>.ora file. Is this the only way to make this change or can I, in fact, do what I want while the database is running?