Technical User
Here is a pagination script that works great with only one input
variable sent to the script via a form. However, I now have
more input variables being sent to the form. The script grabs
all the new input variables one time and the script runs fine
on page one. The problem is the new input variables are not
stored in the script like the [SeeAlso] variable and thus the
new input variables lose their value after the script runs one
time on page one. When the script processes to page 2 and higher,
the only value available to the script is the [SeeAlso] variable
value because the [SeeAlso] value has been preserved in the
script. What I need to know is how to preserve the other input
values sent to the script from the form.
variable sent to the script via a form. However, I now have
more input variables being sent to the form. The script grabs
all the new input variables one time and the script runs fine
on page one. The problem is the new input variables are not
stored in the script like the [SeeAlso] variable and thus the
new input variables lose their value after the script runs one
time on page one. When the script processes to page 2 and higher,
the only value available to the script is the [SeeAlso] variable
value because the [SeeAlso] value has been preserved in the
script. What I need to know is how to preserve the other input
values sent to the script from the form.
<TITLE> New Document </TITLE>
<font size="2" face="Arial"><b>
//sample input if all checkboxes are checked and EEE is the search
//term in the input box
//Array ( [TR] => ON [ES] => ON [NV] => ON [TH] => ON [SM] => ON [EN] => ON [ALL] => ON [SeeAlso] => EEE )
//here are the variables containing values
//sent to the script from the form
$ES = $_GET['ES'];
$NV = $_GET['NV'];
$TR = $_GET['TR'];
$TH = $_GET['TH'];
$SM = $_GET['SM'];
$EN = $_GET['EN'];
$ALL = $_GET['ALL'];
$SeeAlso = $_GET['SeeAlso'];
$username = "theusual";
$password = "herewego";
$dbname = "ouchouchouch";
$global_db = mysql_connect('localhost', $username, $password);
mysql_select_db($dbname, $global_db);
$query = "SELECT * FROM `View2` WHERE `Topic` REGEXP '[[:<:]]($SeeAlso)[[:>:]]'";
//These code lines append to the $query
//On page two and higher these values are
//wiped out and the SELECT statement no longer
//has the Source appended to the SELECT statement
//I want to preserve these values in the script like
//the script preserves the [SeeAlso] value
$ES = "'ES'";
$query = $query . " AND `Source`={$ES}";
$TH = "'TH'";
$query = $query . " AND `Source`={$TH}";
$SM = "'SM'";
$query = $query . " AND `Source`={$SM}";
$NV = "'NV'";
$query = $query . " AND `Source`={$NV}";
$TR = "'TR'";
$query = $query . " AND `Source`={$TR}";
$EN = "'EN'";
$query = $query . " AND `Source`={$EN}";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die("ERROR63");
$num_record = mysql_num_rows($result);
if($num_record > $display) { // Only show 1,2,3,etc. when //there are more records found that fit on 1 page
// when the page is loaded first...
if(empty($pagenr)) {
$pagenr = 1;
// some variables
$display = 10; // number of records to display per page
$max_pages_to_print = 7; // number of pages to show, if you change this you also have to change the variable 'middlenumber', for example:increase this one with two, increase middlenumber with one
$startrecord = $pagenr * $display; // f$displayirst record to show from the queryresult
$num_pages = (ceil($num_record/$display)); //set number of pages
$loopcounter = 0; // counter for whileloop
$currentpage = $pagenr; // Page where we are at the moment
$middlenumber = 3; // Number will be decreased from variable currentpage in order to get the currentpage always in the middle
$colourcounter = 0; // Variable to change the background-color of the <td>
$i = 1; // variable that will print 1,2,3,etc..
$x = 0; // variable i use to put always the current, marked page in the middle
echo "<div align=\"center\">\n";
echo " <center>\n";
echo " <table border=\"1\" width=\"700\" height=\"25\" cellspacing=\"1\" bgcolor=\"#D8E0F0\">\n";
echo " <tr>\n";
echo " <td colspan=\"2\" valign=\"middle\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#0000c8\" width=\"690\">\n";
echo " <p align=\"center\"><font face=\"Arial\" color=\"#FFFFFF\">Retrieval Data</font></td>\n";
echo " </tr>\n";
echo " <tr>\n";
echo " <td width=\"248\"><font face=\"Arial\" size=\"2\">Search Term:</font></td>\n";
echo " <td width=\"436\"><font face=\"Arial\" size=\"2\">$SeeAlso</font></td>\n";
echo " </tr>\n";
echo " <tr>\n";
echo " <td width=\"248\"><font face=\"Arial\" size=\"2\">Current Page</font></td>\n";
echo " <td width=\"436\"><font face=\"Arial\" size=\"2\">$currentpage</font></td>\n";
echo " </tr>\n";
echo " <tr>\n";
echo " <td width=\"248\"><font face=\"Arial\" size=\"2\">Total Pages Retrieved:</font></td>\n";
echo " <td width=\"436\"><font face=\"Arial\" size=\"2\">$num_pages</font></td>\n";
echo " </tr>\n";
echo " <tr>\n";
echo " <td width=\"248\"><font face=\"Arial\" size=\"2\">Total Citations Retrieved:</font></td>\n";
echo " <td width=\"436\"><font face=\"Arial\" size=\"2\">$num_record</font></td>\n";
echo " </tr>\n";
echo " </table>\n";
echo " </center>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
// actual stuff starts here
print("<table border=0 align=center><tr>");
if($currentpage >= $max_pages_to_print) {
print '<td><a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pagenr=' . $i . '&SeeAlso=' . $_GET['SeeAlso'] . '">' . $i . '</a>  </td>' ; // print pagenumbers
while($loopcounter < $max_pages_to_print) {
if($currentpage >= $max_pages_to_print) { // If user clicks om page higher than $max_pages_to_print
// Mark current page
if($currentpage == $i) {
print '<td><a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pagenr=' . $i . '&SeeAlso=' . $_GET['SeeAlso'] . '">' . $i . '</a>  </td>' ; // print pagenumbers
$i += 1; //increase pagenr
$loopcounter += 1; // increase loopcounter
// End marking
if($i > $num_pages) { // if last page has been printed, exit loop
if($x == 0) {
$i = $currentpage - $middlenumber; // current page will always be printed in the middle
print '<td><a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pagenr=' . $i . '&SeeAlso=' . $_GET['SeeAlso'] . '">' . $i . '</a>  </td>' ; // print pagenumbers
$x = $x + 1;
$i += 1; //increase pagenr
$loopcounter += 1; // increase loopcounter
else { // Else user clicks on a pagenumber lower $max_pages_to_print
// Mark current page
if($currentpage == $i) {
print '<td><a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pagenr=' . $i . '&SeeAlso=' . $_GET['SeeAlso'] . '">' . $i . '</a>  </td>' ; // print pagenumbers
$i += 1; //increase pagenr
$loopcounter += 1; // increase loopcounter
// End marking
if($i > $num_pages) { // if less than $max_mages_to_print, exit loop
print '<td><a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pagenr=' . $i . '&SeeAlso=' . $_GET['SeeAlso'] . '">' . $i . '</a>  </td>' ; // print pagenumbers
$i += 1; //increase pagenr
$loopcounter += 1; // increase loopcounter
} // End if
if(($num_pages > $max_pages_to_print AND // notice the user that there are more pages
$i <= $num_pages)) {
print '<td><a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pagenr=' . $i . '&SeeAlso=' . $_GET['SeeAlso'] . '">' . $i . '</a>  </td>' ; // print pagenumbers
$startrecord = $startrecord - $display; // Set startrecord to the right position
// Some calculation for the lastrecord
if($currentpage == $num_pages) { // Last page...
$lastrecord = $num_record; // so $lastrecord = $num_record
else {
$lastrecord = ($currentpage * $display);
} // End of the first if-statement
// actual query, watch the end($startrecord, $display)
$query2 = "$query1 LIMIT $startrecord, $display";
$result2 = mysql_query($query2) or die("ERROR148");
// print results on screen
print("<table border=1 align=center width=700 bgcolor=#0000c8 style=\"font-family: Arial; font-weight: bold\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\" font face=Arial><tr><td align=center><font color=#FFFFFF><b>Source</b></font></td><td align=center><font color=#FFFFFF><b>Topic</b></font></td><td align=center><font color=#FFFFFF><b>Subtopic</b></font></td><td align=center><font color=#FFFFFF><b>References</b></font></td></tr>");
while(list($Source, $Topic,$Subtopic,$References)= mysql_fetch_row($result2)) {
if ($colorcounter == 0) {
$colorbg = "#d8e0f0";
else {
$colorbg = "#e6eaf4";
$colorcounter = $colorcounter - 2;
//<td><font size="1">cat</font></td>
print("<tr><td bgcolor=$colorbg><font size=\"1\">$Source</font></td><td align=left bgcolor=$colorbg><font size=\"1\">$Topic</font></td><td align=left bgcolor=$colorbg><font size=\"1\">$Subtopic</font></td><td align=left bgcolor=$colorbg><font size=\"1\">$References</font></td></tr>");
//print("<tr><td bgcolor=$colorbg><font size=\"1\">$Topic</font></td><td align=left bgcolor=$colorbg><font size=\"1\">$Subtopic</td><td align=left bgcolor=$colorbg><font size=\"1\">$References</td></tr>");
$colorcounter = $colorcounter + 1;