Jun 2, 2001 #1 randy4126 Programmer Jun 2, 2001 62 US I need to know how you fin an index the the user clicked in a list box. I cant use case cause the list is constantly cahnging size? thanks
I need to know how you fin an index the the user clicked in a list box. I cant use case cause the list is constantly cahnging size? thanks
Jun 2, 2001 #2 dpaulson Programmer May 7, 2000 347 CA I think the listindex property is what your after. David Paulson Upvote 0 Downvote
Jun 2, 2001 Thread starter #3 randy4126 Programmer Jun 2, 2001 62 US It wont let me assign it to an integer such as x = listbox.index it tells me that you cant assign it to an array. Upvote 0 Downvote
It wont let me assign it to an integer such as x = listbox.index it tells me that you cant assign it to an array.
Jun 2, 2001 #4 dpaulson Programmer May 7, 2000 347 CA x = listbox.listindex David Paulson Upvote 0 Downvote
Jun 2, 2001 Thread starter #5 randy4126 Programmer Jun 2, 2001 62 US Yes that is exactly what i wanted. Thank you very much Randy Cooper Upvote 0 Downvote