The below code is sending an email and attaching a Report
in Snapshot format to the email. It is working just fine
to a point. The Snapshot report is attaching correctly but
the report is also opening up in a Snapshot viewer. I want
to be able to shut the Snapshot viewer report so after the
email is sent the Snapshot viewer does not have to manually
be closed. Any advice or help? I added a DoCmd Close but
that is not closing the Viewer.
in Snapshot format to the email. It is working just fine
to a point. The Snapshot report is attaching correctly but
the report is also opening up in a Snapshot viewer. I want
to be able to shut the Snapshot viewer report so after the
email is sent the Snapshot viewer does not have to manually
be closed. Any advice or help? I added a DoCmd Close but
that is not closing the Viewer.
Private Sub CloseForm_Click()
If Not Forms!ECNBCNVIPfrm!cboECNLookup.Value = "" Then
Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = "ECNBCNVIPrpt-2"
If InStr(UserGroups(), "admingrp") > 0 Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
ElseIf InStr(UserGroups(), "entrygrp") > 0 Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
End If
MsgBox cboECN
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, stDocName, acFormatSNP, "C:\my documents\ECNBCNVIPrpt.snp", True
Dim O As Outlook.Application
Dim m As Outlook.MailItem
Dim toEmail1 As String
Dim toEmail2 As String
Dim ccEmail1 As String
Dim ccEmail2 As String
Dim ccEmail3 As String
Dim bccEmail1 As String
Dim SL As String, DL As String
SL = vbNewLine
DL = SL & SL
Set O = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set m = Outlook.CreateItem(0)
toEmail1 = ""
ccEmail1 = ""
ccEmail2 = ""
ccEmail3 = ""
bccEmail1 = ""
m.To = toEmail1
m.CC = ""
m.BCC = bccEmail1
m.Subject = "ECN # " & Forms!ECNBCNVIPfrm![ECN Number].Value & "; This ECN is ready for SOURCING"
m.Body = "This ECN is Ready for SOURCING." & DL & _
"ECN # " & Forms!ECNBCNVIPfrm![ECN Number].Value & DL & _
"ECN Description: " & Forms!ECNBCNVIPfrm!ECNDetailfrm![ECN Description].Value & DL & _
"Comments: " & Forms!ECNBCNVIPfrm!ECNDetailfrm![Comments].Value & DL & _
"Thank you for your help" & DL & _
DLookup("ActualName", "ChangeFormUserNameTbl", "LoginName='" & GetCurrentUserName() & "'") & SL & _
"ECN Analyst"
m.Attachments.Add "c:\my documents\ECNBCNVIPrpt.snp"
DoCmd.Close acReport, "ECNBCNVIPrpt.snp", acSaveNo
On Error GoTo Err_CloseForm_Click
DoCmd.Close acForm, "PopupEcn1"
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_CloseForm_Click
End If
End Sub