I am trying to work out how I got attacked and thus the solution to prevent it happening again.
I do have McCafee running (6.xx) and I had a very bad attack on my machine (Nimda and W32/Elk) -the files that seemed to be attacked were all around the Personal web server and Inet scripts.
I read these particular virus's could have been spread via shared drives (which I have) or via flaws in my Internet explorer (i have 5.01) and Personal web server running.
In my mind - and I am an accepted novice here in this world, if I have guard running (and i think it was all turned on), could it not really have been enough.
Is this where firewall and virus checker are different?
Is there a version of IE where I can be sure that I am totally 'secure' and not liable to weaknesses being exploited.
I do need my PWS running, I do need shared drives and I need to now - become much more secure - and am hoping this forum can give me the whole picture on how to achieve this. (I have set up firewall (mCCafee) ) but how do I know those programs that can run and should be run when I am doing certain tasks, and those that need stopping.
Many thanks if anybody takes the time to read this and reply.
I am trying to work out how I got attacked and thus the solution to prevent it happening again.
I do have McCafee running (6.xx) and I had a very bad attack on my machine (Nimda and W32/Elk) -the files that seemed to be attacked were all around the Personal web server and Inet scripts.
I read these particular virus's could have been spread via shared drives (which I have) or via flaws in my Internet explorer (i have 5.01) and Personal web server running.
In my mind - and I am an accepted novice here in this world, if I have guard running (and i think it was all turned on), could it not really have been enough.
Is this where firewall and virus checker are different?
Is there a version of IE where I can be sure that I am totally 'secure' and not liable to weaknesses being exploited.
I do need my PWS running, I do need shared drives and I need to now - become much more secure - and am hoping this forum can give me the whole picture on how to achieve this. (I have set up firewall (mCCafee) ) but how do I know those programs that can run and should be run when I am doing certain tasks, and those that need stopping.
Many thanks if anybody takes the time to read this and reply.