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How could I modify this code to ena

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Technical User
Aug 17, 2002
How could I modify this code to enable a user to update the pups available field

<TH>Breeder Name</TH>
<TH>Phone No.</TH>
<TH>Pups Available</TH>
<% var str_DogName = new String(Request.Form(&quot;DogName&quot;));
if (str_DogName! = &quot;undefined&quot;){
// Open connection to database, then populate a recordset with list of Breeders
var adoConnection = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Connection&quot;);
var adoRecordSet;
var mySQL;
var mySQL = 'SELECT BreederNo,BreederName,BrPhoneNo ,BrAddress, PupsAvailable' +
' FROM Breeders WHERE BreedName =&quot;' + str_DogName +'&quot;';
adoRecordSet = adoConnection.Execute(mySQL);

// Loop through recordset and write stock details out to page
while ( adoRecordSet.Eof == false )
<TD><A HREF=&quot;BookPup.asp?BreederNo=<%=adoRecordSet(&quot;BreederNo&quot;).Value%><!--mstheme--></font></TD> <TD><!--mstheme--><font face=&quot; Helvetica&quot; Arial,> Book pup</A></TD>


// Close Recordset and connections
// and release memory used by Recordset and Connection objects
adoRecordSet = null;
adoConnection = null;

and then what happens in BookPup.asp?

<font face=&quot; Helvetica&quot; Arial,> may mess up something in there BTW.
This is the code I used to return a list of breeders for a particuar breed. The BookPup.asp part then allowed the user to add their name to a booking table so it is not relevant in this instance. I want to allow a breeder to update the PupsAvailable field which consists of text stating Yes or No. The following code is what I use to allow a breeder to view the details of those who have booked with them.


<meta http-equiv=&quot;Content-Type&quot; content=&quot;text/html; charset=windows-1252&quot;>
<meta name=&quot;GENERATOR&quot; content=&quot;Microsoft FrontPage 4.0&quot;>
<meta name=&quot;ProgId&quot; content=&quot;FrontPage.Editor.Document&quot;>
<meta name=&quot;Microsoft Theme&quot; content=&quot;indust 110, default&quot;>

<% var str_BreederNo = new String(Request.Form(&quot;BreederNo&quot;));
if (str_BreederNo! = &quot;undefined&quot;){
// Open connection to database, then populate a recordset with list of Breeders
var adoConnection = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Connection&quot;);
var adoRecordSet;
var mySQL;
var mySQL =' SELECT tblCustomer.*
FROM tblCustomer INNER JOIN tblProvBooking ON tblCustomer.CustomerNo = tblProvBooking.CustomerNo
WHERE (((tblCustomer.CustomerNo= [tblProvBooking].[CustomerNo]
AND((tblProvBooking.BreederNo) = [&quot;' + str_BreederNo +'&quot;]';
adoRecordSet = adoConnection.Execute(mySQL);

// Loop through recordset and write stock details out to page
while ( adoRecordSet.Eof == false )


// Close Recordset and connections
// and release memory used by Recordset and Connection objects
adoRecordSet = null;
adoConnection = null;
Could somebody please tell me how to allow a breeder to update the pups available field of their records in the table.
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