I am trying to extract data from a table where, I need final out put as summary of a field. I am using Crosstab query and pivoted by Duedate field. The date range is entered by user everytime. This crosstab query is giving me detail amount - not summary. So, I created another query where I used this Crosstab query as source. but If I entered different date range next time, the summary query won't change.
Is there any way I could get summarized of this crosstab query??
I highly appriciate any help.
I have following Crosstab query.
Is there any way I could get summarized of this crosstab query??
I highly appriciate any help.
I have following Crosstab query.
PARAMETERS [Forms]![tt_frmGarberDue]![txtsdate] DateTime, [Forms]![tt_frmGarberDue]![txtedate] DateTime;
TRANSFORM First(GPR_FmtTranTbl.InvoiceAmount) AS FirstOfInvoiceAmount
SELECT GPR_FmtTranTbl.CustomerNo, GPR_FmtTranTbl.InvoiceDate, GPR_FmtTranTbl.InvoiceNo, GPR_FmtTranTbl.InvoiceAmount, GPR_ActMastTbl.StoreNo, GPR_ActMastTbl.StoreName, GPR_ActMastTbl.CreditPeriod
FROM GPR_FmtTranTbl INNER JOIN GPR_ActMastTbl ON GPR_FmtTranTbl.CustomerNo = GPR_ActMastTbl.CustomerNo
WHERE (((GPR_FmtTranTbl.InvoiceDueDate)>=[Forms]![tt_frmGarberDue]![txtsdate] And (GPR_FmtTranTbl.InvoiceDueDate)<=[Forms]![tt_frmGarberDue]![txtedate]))
GROUP BY GPR_FmtTranTbl.CustomerNo, GPR_FmtTranTbl.InvoiceDate, GPR_FmtTranTbl.InvoiceNo, GPR_FmtTranTbl.InvoiceAmount, GPR_ActMastTbl.StoreNo, GPR_ActMastTbl.StoreName, GPR_ActMastTbl.CreditPeriod
ORDER BY GPR_ActMastTbl.CreditPeriod DESC , GPR_ActMastTbl.StoreNo
PIVOT GPR_FmtTranTbl.InvoiceDueDate;