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How connect crystal reports 8.5 to oracle data base

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Oct 21, 2003
I'm using VB 6 and Crystal control (cristl32.ocx) I'm trying to connect to a oracle 9i data base, some times I can do it and some times not with the same code . I don't understan why if I dont change the code.

This is the conection string that i'm using:
With CrystalRep
.DiscardSavedData = True
.WindowState = crptMaximized
.WindowShowSearchBtn = True
.WindowShowExportBtn = True

.Connect = "DSN= datasetname;UID=login;PWD=password;DSQ=databasename"

.ReportFileName = sRepName
iResult = .PrintReport

end with

When I create the report in crystal I used a ole db driver for oracle.
Is better use a native connection?

I (and Crystal) suggest using the RDC, not the OCX.

You might try ODBC or Native, but I don't think that Oracle 9 was supported at 8.5 release, but I have connected to it using ODBC many times.

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