I seem to have had a run of BCM 450 psu failing recently, the usual symptoms, system starts to boot gets so far you hear some relay clicks and bang it reboots..
No just the single ATX psu but they are dropping like flies at the moment, the problem is on the 400`s it tents to corrupt the drive for good measure !!
Do you mind if I ask what hardware and software you're running? I've been try to find sort common thread. I've spoken to other people who deploy BCM's but haven't found anyone experiencing the same failure rate. So far their configuration differs a bit from what I tend to have running.
Most common at the moment seems to be release r1 bcm 450 chassis or late bcm 400 v4
What I have noticed is bcm 450 software seems todo a deeper file system check on boot so some errors caused by failing psu gets fixed a bcm 400 v4 actually prompts for user input on the serial port for a deeper fle seem check
I've found that in the 400's the power supply fails completely fortunately without corrupting anything whereas on the 450's the power supply goes soft - system keeps running but obviously the voltages are down or have poor regulation and causes some strange faults. I've been subcontracted to change one out tomorrow morning as there are odd problems on one of the DSM32's. It could be the DSM32 of course so I'm going prepared.
I have changed out quite a few bcm400,450 power units latley.
Most times the system works ok after, but had a recent 450 corrupt the hard drive voicemail.
I've been noticing the trend for a year or more. When I look at the install dates the sites have been in service, on average, a little over three years. That seems like a rather short life expectancy on a power supply.
Same here. We keep generic ATX replacement power supplies on hand for non redundant PS systems. Much cheaper Power supplies are becoming the next base function tray.
I had to replace a BCM450 PSU a couple of months ago. Same issue, power up, gets to a specific spot and reboots. System was upgraded to 6.0 but definitely 1.0 hardware.
The customer had a PC PSU (400W I believe) laying around and I replaced it with that and haven't looked back.
On the system I attended yesterday the phones on the bottom DSM32 were constantly reinitialising, had distorted dialtone, getting stuck on handsfree and not switching to handpiece, etc. When it was removed the next DSM up was still a bit flakey so since one rail powers each pair of slots it seems that one of the rails had gone 'off'. Power supply was replaced with a Coolermaster Extreme 500W and the system rebooted OK with no errors. All extensions are now working correctly. This was a BCM450 Release 5 so wouldn't be that old and according to the customer had always been a little flakey.
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