I am using a dialog box that has 3 separate editbox's in a row. They are set to only allow 3, 3, and 4 characters. it is designed for entering a customers phone number into a switch. I have set the script to place the cursor in the first box automatically. Since the number is always a variable and never a constant, how do I make the dialog box wait for 3 keypresses and then have it proceed with the script (I can have it use "sendvkey 0x09" to tab to the next box and then wait for 3 more keypresses, and then after going to the last box, wait for 4 keypresses and then "sendvkey 0x09" to tab to the "ok" button), ultimately waiting until i click on the ok button before it processes what I have entered. I will enter the dialog box when I get to work today.... The problem I have encountered so far, is that I can't find a way to wait for 3 presses, but can wait for specific keys... I want it to treat the keypresses like the variables they must be.