A simple way of doing this would be to store a file in a shared directory. Computer 1 writes the file. Computer 2 periodically polls the directory to check the presence of the file. The actual message (which can be a text string, a number, or whatever else you like) is stored in the file itself.
Mike Lewis (Edinburgh, Scotland)
Some of the mechanisms work on a single computer only, some via network. A file really is the simplest exchange of data, of course. But it means messages are not pushed to the remote destination client, you have to pull messages with some (the same) application knowing where to look for incoming messages. That's no problem if you develop both the send and receive code (and display).
Some mechanisms need to open certain ports on the firewall, which of course also is a risc. You may communicate via sockets (TCP/IP), the same browsers use for the http protocol, which would certainly work on the http port 80, that is open in firewalls anyway. Still that needs a socket configured as listener on each PC you might want to address. Actually there is nothing you can send remote without having privileges on the remote side or something actively listening on the remote PC. Otherwise remote interprocess communication could be misused for any malicious purpose, obviously.
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