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How can I use vbscript to write out a javascript alert 2

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Apr 30, 2001
If I process some code on the server, and the value the user is posting is "out of range" for the application, how can I display a message box to the user.

I assume that I would have to have my vbscript write out a javascript alert box, but not sure how to do that.

TIA for any help on this!
You could something like this....

Put the following up in the header of the ASP page....

<script language=JavaScript>
function AlertUser(val)
if (confirm(&quot;Out of range&quot;) == true)

then when you load the ASP page ( or results showing out of range ) , if the value is out of range re-write the BODY onload argument in the body tag.

FOr example....


if rs.EOF Then ('or out of range value)
response.write &quot;<BODY onload=&quot;&quot;AlertUser(1)&quot;&quot;>&quot;
response.write &quot;<BODY>&quot;
End IF


Hope that helps.....

Stop wasting time, get to work
Here's my problem with this, I already have an onload event being called, call I call 2?
what if you use a variable, like gOutofRange. In the appropriate event (maybe onbeforeupdate), set it to &quot;yes&quot; if the entry is out of range. Down in your html, put:

<%if gOutofRange = &quot;yes&quot; then%>
<script language=javascript>
alert(&quot;don't do that&quot;);
<%end if%>

This will take some work to make sure the variable always equals what it is supposed to equal, but you can probably do whatever you need to do with it.
Answer 1: Yes, you can call more than one event on the onLoad.

Answer 2: Maybe this will work for you:

Response.Write &quot;<SCRIPT language=&quot;&quot;JavaScript&quot;&quot;>alert(&quot;&quot;your message here&quot;&quot;) & &quot;&quot;&quot;);</SCRIPT>&quot; & vbcrlf

(watch for line wrapping)
I use this quite often after a page is posted to show values of different things.

HTH. Tim
You can call more then one thing on onLoad event, seperate each event with a semi colon (;)

onLoad=&quot;MsgAlert('This is a message')&quot;;window.close()&quot;

or whatever you call.. www.vzio.com

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