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How can I use the spell checker in Access with code.

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Sep 26, 2002
I need to use the spell checker that access has built in to check the spelling in a database how can I do this in VB6 any help would be appreciated.
Dim strText As String
Dim lngSuggWord As Long
Dim lngStart As Long
Dim lngPos As Long
Dim blnDone As Boolean
Dim objWord As Word.Application
Dim objDoc As Document
Dim colSuggestions As SpellingSuggestions
Dim colSpellErrors As ProofreadingErrors
' Spell check the text.
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
' Start and hide Word.
Set objWord = CreateObject("word.application")
objWord.Visible = False
objWord.WindowState = wdWindowStateMinimize
' Create a new Word document.
Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Add
' Loop through the text.
blnDone = False
lngStart = 1
lngPos = 0

Do While Not blnDone
' Parse the text into words.
lngStart = lngPos + 1
lngPos = InStr(lngStart, txtText.Text, " ")
If lngPos = 0 Then
lngPos = Len(txtText.Text) + 1
blnDone = True
End If
' Select a word.
txtText.SelStart = lngStart - 1
txtText.SelLength = lngPos - lngStart

If txtText.SelText <> &quot;&quot; Then
' Set the Word document's range to
' the selected text and call the
' spell checker.
objDoc.Range = txtText.SelText
Set colSpellErrors = objDoc.SpellingErrors
' If we have errors, get the suggestions.
If colSpellErrors.Count > 0 Then
With frmSpellCheck
.txtBadWord.Text = colSpellErrors.Item(1)

Set colSuggestions = objWord.GetSpellingSuggestions(colSpellErrors.Item(1))

For lngSuggWord = 1 To colSuggestions.Count
.lstSuggestions.AddItem colSuggestions.Item(lngSuggWord)
' Show the suggested word dialog.
.Show vbModal
' Swap the text taking into account the
' new word's length may differ.
If .ReplacementWord <> &quot;&quot; Then
txtText.SelText = .ReplacementWord
lngPos = lngPos + .LengthDifference
End If
End With
End If
End If

txtText.SelStart = 0
txtText.SelLength = 0

GoTo NormalExit

MsgBox &quot;The following error occured during the document's spelling&quot; & vbCrLf & Err.Description

' Close word and clean up.
objDoc.Close savechanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
objWord.Quit savechanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
Set objWord = Nothing
Set objDoc = Nothing
Thanks for the help...

But I need to perform the spell check on a Access database or a Table.

Thanks for the word spell check.
Thanks for the help I try and use the second option.
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