I want to put multiple pictures into arrays so that I can PUT them on the screen, but i don't want them to flash across the screen.
I am quite new to programing and open to other ways, as long as you explane them.
w = 16: h = 16 'width and height of sprite
'PUT without GET demo (NOGET.BAS) by Toshi
'released to the public domain on 7/14/2001
'The internal structure of GET sprite arrays
'are different for screen 1-12
DIM sprite%(4 + w * h / 2)
'GET (0, 0)-(w - 1, h - 1), sprite%
'DEF SEG = VARSEG(sprite%(0))
'FOR i% = 0 TO 4
DEF SEG = VARSEG(sprite%(0))
offset& = VARPTR(sprite%(0))
POKE offset& + 0, (w * 8) AND 255
POKE offset& + 1, (w * 8) \ 256
POKE offset& + 2, h AND 255
POKE offset& + 3, h \ 256
offset& = 5
FOR y = 0 TO h - 1
FOR x = 0 TO w - 1
READ pixelcolor%
POKE offset&, pixelcolor%
offset& = offset& + 1
PUT (0, 0), sprite%, PSET
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If i understand correctly what you want to achieve -- you're wanting to load and put the stuff without letting the user see it being done. Well, there's an easy way to do this -- turn off the screen while doing it, then when you've finished, turn it back on. It's a simple trick using OUT. Here it is...
OUT 966, 0 'hide screen
'...then set your screen up, get, put, etc...
OUT 966, 255 'show screen again.
It's a useful call for many things. I use it often. Hope this helps you.
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