I am trying to put a small program on our web-based intranet that can be used to print checks. I have a util that will allow me to more of less "construct" a pdf from scratch. It comes out as straight text with a .pdf extension. The problem is that I need to use a MICR font for the check number, but I can't get it to work. It seems that there is a predefined set of standard fonts that are the only ones available. If I use anything other than that, I get the error "The font '____' contains a bad /BBox."
Is there a way around this such as embedding the font or some trick to make it read the font from Windows, or can I set a good /BBOX (whatever that is)?
Is there a way around this such as embedding the font or some trick to make it read the font from Windows, or can I set a good /BBOX (whatever that is)?