I am writing a datebase application . I need to retrieve and update the database through a UI . I am new to JBuilder and now I know I can pass a SELECT statment using QueryDataSet component and display the result with a data-aware component.
How can I update my database? I can not place UPDATE statment in QueryDataSet component,error message occured: on ResultRet was returned. I want to read parameters from the UI and set the database according to them.(I don't want to change the data in the Jdbtable directly) I read some JBuilder Documents and can not find the answer. am I make myself clear? thank you for your help!!!
How can I update my database? I can not place UPDATE statment in QueryDataSet component,error message occured: on ResultRet was returned. I want to read parameters from the UI and set the database according to them.(I don't want to change the data in the Jdbtable directly) I read some JBuilder Documents and can not find the answer. am I make myself clear? thank you for your help!!!