I have a customer with two offices that are directly across the street from one another. Until recently, the two facilities housed independent departments that required no collaboration between the two. Both currently have independent data and voice services and systems.
The business has evolved impressively and they now have a need for a LAN connection between the two. For these data service needs, they're having several strands of single-mode fiber pulled between the two offices.
Since they'll have several pair of fiber free, I was hoping we may be able to use a pair for trunking the (2) Merlin MAGIX systems togeter. One is R2, the other is R4. Both currently have POTS lines terminated on various GS\LS modules. My hopes are to trunk calls across fiber and out the other building's POTS lines. This will allow them to eliminate a few POTS lines, but the major benefits to the business would be 3-digit dialing between facilities and a common voicemail platform (Merlin Messaging R4; eliminate the Merlin Messaging R2 at one facility).
Can anyone here tell me what hardware we would need to accomplish a fiber trunk of this nature? I'm looking for details on everything from Magix-to-fiber on one side and fiber-to-Magix on the other.... transceivers\line conditioners, Magix system modules, etc.
Any guidance is greatly appreciated from this IT Guy gone Phone Crazy!
The business has evolved impressively and they now have a need for a LAN connection between the two. For these data service needs, they're having several strands of single-mode fiber pulled between the two offices.
Since they'll have several pair of fiber free, I was hoping we may be able to use a pair for trunking the (2) Merlin MAGIX systems togeter. One is R2, the other is R4. Both currently have POTS lines terminated on various GS\LS modules. My hopes are to trunk calls across fiber and out the other building's POTS lines. This will allow them to eliminate a few POTS lines, but the major benefits to the business would be 3-digit dialing between facilities and a common voicemail platform (Merlin Messaging R4; eliminate the Merlin Messaging R2 at one facility).
Can anyone here tell me what hardware we would need to accomplish a fiber trunk of this nature? I'm looking for details on everything from Magix-to-fiber on one side and fiber-to-Magix on the other.... transceivers\line conditioners, Magix system modules, etc.
Any guidance is greatly appreciated from this IT Guy gone Phone Crazy!