My database supplies me with "department code" field, "vehicle number" field, "fuel ticket date" field, "quantity fuel" field, "fuel price" field and "value fuel" field.
The "value fuel" field gives me the transaction total. This is made up of quantiy pumped x fuel cost (fuel cost has 10% added). My database does not give me the cost or the markup as fields. It just gives the transaction total.
I created a formula that give me the cost (@fuel cost). My formula: sum({value fuel, dept code})/1.10
I created a formula that gives me the 10% (@fuel return).
My formula: sum({value fuel, dept code}) - (@ fuel cost)
I now want to do a sum of the {@ fuel cost} and the {@ fuel return}. I want to put these sums in the report footer.
When I do a formula, sum({@ fuel return}) I get "This field cannot be summarized."
How can I summarize these formulas?
The "value fuel" field gives me the transaction total. This is made up of quantiy pumped x fuel cost (fuel cost has 10% added). My database does not give me the cost or the markup as fields. It just gives the transaction total.
I created a formula that give me the cost (@fuel cost). My formula: sum({value fuel, dept code})/1.10
I created a formula that gives me the 10% (@fuel return).
My formula: sum({value fuel, dept code}) - (@ fuel cost)
I now want to do a sum of the {@ fuel cost} and the {@ fuel return}. I want to put these sums in the report footer.
When I do a formula, sum({@ fuel return}) I get "This field cannot be summarized."
How can I summarize these formulas?