Just that, my first page opens where a user inputs a Social Security number. Lets say the input box name is "ss_num". How can I set the focus to that box when the page opens?
<body onLoad="document.myForm.ssn.focus()">
<form name="myForm">
<input name="ssn">
</form> Get the Best Answers! faq333-2924
Is this an asp FAQ? faq333-3048
Tek-Tips Best Practices: FAQ183-3179 It's sad that some Americans proudly turn their backs on the very Flag the gives them the opportunity to do just that... - Mike
Hi Apollo6
This should work for you, change your body tag to say this:
<body onLoad="document.getElementById("ss_num".focus()"> Hope I helped / Thanks for helping
if ((Math.abs(x)<10&&Math.abs<10) &&(((parseInt(x.toString()+y.toString())-x-y)%9)!=0)){alert("I'm a monkey's uncle"}
For hellTell's code to work, make sure to set the id as well as the name...
<input name="ss_num" id="ss_num"> Get the Best Answers! faq333-2924
Is this an asp FAQ? faq333-3048
Tek-Tips Best Practices: FAQ183-3179 It's sad that some Americans proudly turn their backs on the very Flag the gives them the opportunity to do just that... - Mike
Good point Mike
Not that my browser cares Hope I helped / Thanks for helping
if ((Math.abs(x)<10&&Math.abs<10) &&(((parseInt(x.toString()+y.toString())-x-y)%9)!=0)){alert("I'm a monkey's uncle"}
<body onload="document.Main.ssn_num1.focus()">
<form name="Main" action="benefit_data.php" method="post"> Get the Best Answers! faq333-2924
Is this an asp FAQ? faq333-3048
Tek-Tips Best Practices: FAQ183-3179 It's sad that some Americans proudly turn their backs on the very Flag the gives them the opportunity to do just that... - Mike
D'oh! Feeling stupid today.
I put double quotes within quotes on mine.
Should be:
<body onLoad="document.getElementById('ss_num1').focus()"> Hope I helped / Thanks for helping
if ((Math.abs(x)<10&&Math.abs<10) &&(((parseInt(x.toString()+y.toString())-x-y)%9)!=0)){alert("I'm a monkey's uncle"}
Hey - I didn't see that either HellTel. Which browser do you use that doesn't care about id vs. name? Get the Best Answers! faq333-2924
Is this an asp FAQ? faq333-3048
Tek-Tips Best Practices: FAQ183-3179 It's sad that some Americans proudly turn their backs on the very Flag the gives them the opportunity to do just that... - Mike
IE6. I just tried it and it didn't care if I put name=, getElementById still worked! Hope I helped / Thanks for helping
if ((Math.abs(x)<10&&Math.abs<10) &&(((parseInt(x.toString()+y.toString())-x-y)%9)!=0)){alert("I'm a monkey's uncle"}
Hope I helped / Thanks for helping
if ((Math.abs(x)<10&&Math.abs<10) && (((parseInt(Math.abs(x).toString()+Math.abs.toString())-Math.abs(x)-Math.abs)%9)!=0)) {alert("I'm a monkey's uncle"}
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