Steph's procedure will work perfectly, but I thought it worth the effort to give you my procedure, and it can handle searching subdirectories too:
l : TStringList;
procedure SearchTree(APath, ASpec: String; const ASub: Boolean = True);
f : TSearchRec;
APath := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(APath);
if FindFirst(APath + ASpec, faAnyfile, f) = 0 then
if f.Name[1] = '.' then Continue;
if ((f.Attr and faDirectory) <> 0) and ASub then
SearchTree(APath + f.Name, ASpec, ASub)
l.Add(APath + f.Name);
until FindNext(f) <> 0;
That's it. Initialise your TStringList prior to calling the procedure, and it will contain the complete folder and filenames of the matching files. If you set ASub to False it won't go into any subfolders.
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