I have some dbase 5 for DOS applications compiled as EXE executables. That EXE calls many other PRG (code) files. The problem is that when I make a minor change to one of those called programs, I can't recompile them on the live system because users who had opened those external code files (extension .DBO) still have READ-ONLY links to those files.
The program files are separate files (.PRG) called as "DO ..." but no procedures are set.
Sometimes I make everyone get out of the EXE completely to close those links, after which I can compile those code files. Of course there's always one person who's not at his desk and that holds up everything until someone nearby closes the program. Other times I rename the file, rename the file that called it, rename the EXE, so that there's a seamless fix put in place during the shift. Is there a way to have the EXE release those accessed but still-linked files? I have that complicated workaround that I've been using for years to manage this issue so I don't kick users offline, but it is a real hassle. It would sure be nice to find a way to release those links no longer in use. Any ideas?
The program files are separate files (.PRG) called as "DO ..." but no procedures are set.
Sometimes I make everyone get out of the EXE completely to close those links, after which I can compile those code files. Of course there's always one person who's not at his desk and that holds up everything until someone nearby closes the program. Other times I rename the file, rename the file that called it, rename the EXE, so that there's a seamless fix put in place during the shift. Is there a way to have the EXE release those accessed but still-linked files? I have that complicated workaround that I've been using for years to manage this issue so I don't kick users offline, but it is a real hassle. It would sure be nice to find a way to release those links no longer in use. Any ideas?