Mar 23, 2006 #1 ap1605 Programmer Mar 12, 2003 35 NL How can I refresh/flush DNS on UNIX without rebooting?
Mar 23, 2006 #2 cdlvj MIS Nov 18, 2003 677 US kill -HUP named named should be your daemon. at least it is on SYS V Upvote 0 Downvote
Mar 23, 2006 #3 stanhubble MIS Apr 6, 2001 1,052 CA you will probably need to use the process id of named instead of the name.....depending on your OS e.g. kill -HUP 13524 ps -e | grep named | awk '{print $1}' will give you the pid of named if it is running (on most systems) Upvote 0 Downvote
you will probably need to use the process id of named instead of the name.....depending on your OS e.g. kill -HUP 13524 ps -e | grep named | awk '{print $1}' will give you the pid of named if it is running (on most systems)
Mar 23, 2006 Thread starter #4 ap1605 Programmer Mar 12, 2003 35 NL Our OS is AIX 5.3 ML 3 Upvote 0 Downvote
Mar 23, 2006 1 #5 p5wizard IS-IT--Management Apr 18, 2005 3,165 BE On AIX, refresh -s named should work also. HTH, p5wizard Upvote 0 Downvote
Mar 23, 2006 Thread starter #6 ap1605 Programmer Mar 12, 2003 35 NL I there a command like ipconfig /flushdns under windows. Upvote 0 Downvote
Mar 23, 2006 #7 SamBones Programmer Aug 8, 2002 3,186 US On Solaris... [tt] kill -HUP `pgrep named` [/tt] Upvote 0 Downvote