Procedure TForm1.Proc_Command (var Textline :string);
var File : Textfile;
index : integer;
Textline : string;
While not Eof do
Readln (File,Textline);
index := pos('commands', Textline);
if index <> 0 then Memo1.lines.append(Textline);
I'll explain the lines each..
AssignFile([var:Textfile],[LocationFile:String]); This assigns the file to a variable (TextFile);
Reset([var:Textfile]); This lets you begin READING the file, u have to use Rewrite to be able to Writeln the file
While not eof do .. this means While NOT EndOfFile Do
Readln([var:Textfile],[TextLine:String]); just a normal Readln, only difference is that the first paramater is used to point out the file. (baaad english )
index := pos(Stringyoulookfor:String,Textline:String); if commands exists, it will store the index where it is in TextlineString.
No occurence returns 0 (courtesy of CTRL-C and svanels )
if index <> 0 then Memo1.lines.append(Textline); if index is not 0 (thus 'commands' exist in the textline) then append the Textline to Memo1.
Close([File:TextFile]); Closes the File.
maybe i have given a little bit too much information but this is my first time too E-mail: (till Jan 10, from then on it's
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