How can I monitor HP printers for bandwidth usage (Network)?
We have 22 networked printers (mostly HP). I need to know how much bandwidth each one uses, and if I knew where to find the information, I thought I would take a reading at the beginning of the day and another one at the end to see if it would collect total bandwidth per day.
Any easy way to do this? I have the 3 com network supervisor and 3Com Transcend Workgroup Manager, but neither one seem to really show the bandwidth.
We have 22 networked printers (mostly HP). I need to know how much bandwidth each one uses, and if I knew where to find the information, I thought I would take a reading at the beginning of the day and another one at the end to see if it would collect total bandwidth per day.
Any easy way to do this? I have the 3 com network supervisor and 3Com Transcend Workgroup Manager, but neither one seem to really show the bandwidth.