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How can I make an EXE file from an MDB file?
I have to give out something written in Access 97 to users not having Access.
Another solution would be to rewrite all forms and mudules in Visual Basic and compile the VB progam to EXE.
Its disadvantage it that we have to rewrite almost everything. I see that we cannot copy the form definitions from Access to Visual Basic? Is it true?
Is there any way to reuse Access forms and reports from Visual Basic?
Ferenc Nagy
|\ /~ ~~|~~~ Fax: (36-1)-392-2529 New!
| \ | | Institute of Isotope and Surface Chemistry
| \ | -+- 1525 Bp. POB 77. Tel. 36-1)-392-2550
| \| | `-' ' `-' "The goal of the life is the struggle itself"
How can I make an EXE file from an MDB file?
I have to give out something written in Access 97 to users not having Access.
Another solution would be to rewrite all forms and mudules in Visual Basic and compile the VB progam to EXE.
Its disadvantage it that we have to rewrite almost everything. I see that we cannot copy the form definitions from Access to Visual Basic? Is it true?
Is there any way to reuse Access forms and reports from Visual Basic?
Ferenc Nagy
|\ /~ ~~|~~~ Fax: (36-1)-392-2529 New!
| \ | | Institute of Isotope and Surface Chemistry
| \ | -+- 1525 Bp. POB 77. Tel. 36-1)-392-2550
| \| | `-' ' `-' "The goal of the life is the struggle itself"