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How can I mail form input?

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Jan 9, 2002
I have an ASP that displays the entries the user put
into a form:

T1 = Request.Form("p1")
T2 = Request.Form("p2")

Response.Write "You entered " & T1 & " and " T2 " &
" - is that correct?"

...and if they click "Submit" then I would like it (or
another ASP) to e-mail the T1 and T2 to a particular
address - how can I do this?

this is for ASPmail
T1 = Request.Form(&quot;p1&quot;)
T2 = Request.Form(&quot;p2&quot;)

Response.Write &quot;You entered &quot; & T1 & &quot; and &quot; T2 &quot; &
&quot; - is that correct?&quot;
<form name=&quot;frm&quot; method=&quot;form&quot; action=&quot;mailIt.asp&quot;>
<input type=&quot;hidden&quot; value=&quot;<%= T1 %>&quot; name=&quot;T1&quot;>
<input type=&quot;hidden&quot; value=&quot;<%= T2 %>&quot; name=&quot;T2&quot;>
<input type=&quot;submit&quot; value=&quot;Yes, Submit form&quot;>

Dim T1, T2
T1 = Request.Form(&quot;T1&quot;)
T2 = Request.Form(&quot;T2&quot;)

'everything with the &quot;value&quot; needs to be filled out

DIM Mailer, strMsgHeader
Set Mailer = Server.CreateObject(&quot;SMTPsvg.Mailer&quot;)
Mailer.FromAddress= &quot;value&quot;
Mailer.RemoteHost = &quot;value&quot;
Mailer.AddRecipient &quot;value&quot;
Mailer.Subject = &quot;value&quot;
strMsgHeader = &quot;value&quot; & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
Mailer.BodyText = strMsgHeader & vbCrLf & &quot;T1: &quot; & T1 & _
vbCrLf & &quot;T2: &quot; & T2
IF Mailer.SendMail THEN
Response.Write &quot;Your message has been successfully sent.&quot;
Response.Write &quot;The following error occurred while sending your message: &quot; & Mailer.Response

using CDONTS is very similar
here is how you might do it that way
Dim T1, T2
T1 = Request.Form(&quot;T1&quot;)
T2 = Request.Form(&quot;T2&quot;)

'everything with the &quot;value&quot; needs to be filled out

set mail=server.CreateObject(&quot;CDONTS.NewMail&quot;)
mail.From= &quot;value&quot; 'blah.com
mail.To = &quot;value&quot; 'blah@blah.com
mail.Subject = &quot;value&quot; ' form name
mail.Body = &quot;T1: &quot; & T1 & vbCrLf & &quot;T2: &quot; & T2
set mail=nothing

this little bit will send a email but I would get into it more, try here
sorry typing way too fast, the example shows taht you need to resubmit the values also. hence the hidden form fields

I had a extra <% in there too. wow, maybe I should get some sleep [lol]
ASPmail and CDONTS - would these normally be supported
by any web hoster that supports my ASPs? Or, should I
ask my web host tech support?

Thanks for the help!!
ASPmail is a component that is usually available but may not be. CDONTS as far as I know can be used anytime. If you hafe ASP support it is likely they have ASPmail support. you should jsut be able to check on the stat's of the hosting companies site.
Now I have it like this:

T1 = Request.Form(&quot;p1&quot;)
T2 = Request.Form(&quot;p2&quot;)

Response.Write &quot;You entered &quot; & T1 & &quot; and &quot; T2 &quot; &
&quot; - is that correct?&quot;

...and if they click &quot;Submit&quot; then it runs the following,
but that results in &quot;HTTP 500 - Internal server error&quot;

set mail = server.CreateObject(&quot;CDONTS.NewMail&quot;)
mail.From = &quot;Some Guy<someguy@guy.com>&quot;
mail.To = &quot;Shrp<me@myaddress.net>&quot;
mail.Subject = &quot;subject&quot;
BodyText = &quot;This is a sample email.&quot; & vbCRLF
BodyText = BodyText & &quot;It was sent using CDONTS on WinXP&quot; & vbCRLF
mail.Body = BodyText

I don't even use any of the form variables, and have very
little to go on... help? :)
try this, if it gives you a error like this
Server.CreateObject Failed

then you need to find out what type of mail components are set up with your service.
Dim mail, BodyText
set mail = Server.CreateObject(&quot;CDONTS.NewMail&quot;)
mail.From = &quot;email@somewhere.com&quot;
mail.Subject = &quot;this is a test for you!&quot;
mail.To = &quot;youremail@you.com&quot;
BodyText = &quot;This is a sample email to test for CDONTS.&quot; & vbcrlf &_
&quot;It was sent using CDONTS on WinXP&quot; & vbcrlf
mail.Body = BodyText
Response.write(&quot;Mail was Sent so you have the SMTP for CDONTS installed on the server&quot;)
Set objMail = nothing


forgot to tell you the response.write may be in the URL after you try to open this page. so what I mean is if you type and hit go you will see the url change to

not sure but I know this is how it would work if you ran jsut that code with ASPmail...jsut incase!
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