I've got a simple application that I run as a top-level form. I've set Application.Visible to .F. in the beginning of the main procedure, but the VFP screen still flashes briefly before displaying my form. Is there any way to eliminate that?
Add a config.fpw file to the Other Files section of your project. Config.fpw is just a simple text file with a different extension. Put a single line in the config.fpw that reads (or add to your other stuff in the config.fpw if you already have one for the project):
Thanks for these responses. Actually I had seen the SCREEN=OFF setting for CONFIG.FPW. I use (and distribute) CONFIG.FPW for the "parent" application to this utility. So, I was reluctant to make use of it here. Once I received Craig's response, however, it jogged a thought that allowed me to make use of CONFIG.FPW after all.
Still, it seems to me that with the ability to create top-level forms, there must be some other way to prevent the main Foxpro window from displaying--either a command line switch, or a SET command?
Anyway, I have a working solution now, so thanks again. Just wondering if there was something else I was missing.
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