How can I issue a ctrl+c in a unix korn shell script
I've tried: echo "^c" but this doesn't work. Can someone please tell me what the correct syntax would be? Thanks
I am writing a script that will make sure I can telnet to a box that has an intermittent problem. When this problematic situation occurs, I can ping the box but I cant telnet to it. My script does something like:
telnet sp18 1>/tmp/telnet.out 2>&1
I then grep telnet.out for a string. The problem that I am having is that the telnet command makes the script hang(at a login prompt,of course) so, I want to send a ctrl + c sequence so that the script can continue and then exit
have a look at the kill command, you can use it to send an INT signal (a Control-C) to a process Mike
Email welcome if you're in a hurry or something -- but post in tek-tips as well please, and I will post my reply here as well.
raider - sorry to be thick, how does that work then? Mike
Email welcome if you're in a hurry or something -- but post in tek-tips as well please, and I will post my reply here as well.
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