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How can I introduce a new mineral from a list

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Technical User
Jun 22, 2010
Hello people,

I already have been here, and i already solved my first problem.
Now I already can read a file from outside fortran in fortran.

But now I want to add a new line in my list how can i do it??

my program is:


select case(opcao)

case(1) ! This first option open the file with the data

write(*,*) "Numero do Mineral | Nome | Cor | Brilho | Dureza "
open (2, file="basedados.txt", iostat = ok, status='old') ! Abre a lista de minerais
if (ok == 0) then
do n=1, 10
read (2, *, iostat=fim_fich)basedados(n)
if (fim_fich < 0) exit
basemineral = basemineral +1
end do
write(*,*) "erro na aberura do ficheiro:",ok
end if
print "(i5,2x,a11,2x,a10,2x,a10,2x,f6.1)",basedados

case(2) ! In case 2 I want to add a new mineral to my database

how can i do it??

Can someone help me??

open( ... ,access='append')

Then write your record and close your file
That dont work!

there is what i put:

case(2) !2-Inserir novo mineral


write(2,*) "Introduza numero, nome mineral etc"
read(2,*) basedados%numero, basedados%nome


That isnt working! :S
what is wrong??
It should be
open (2, file="basedados.txt", iostat = ok, status='old', access='append')
open (2, file="basedados.txt", iostat = ok, status='old', access='append')

write(2,*) "Introduza numero, nome mineral etc"
read(2,*) basedados%numero, basedados%nome


Doesn't work either! :s

appears an error like this -

At line 50 of file basedados.f95 (unit = 2, file = 'fort.2')
Fortran runtime error: End of file
If you open for appending, you should only write to the file. You need to close the file and reopen for reading before you can read from it. The alternative is to open a direct access file where you can both read and write.

Say you have a file with xxx


If you open it for appending and write "Introduza numero, nome mineral etc", you will get

"Introduza numero, nome mineral etc"

When you read from it the cursor is after etc" so there is nothing to read and you get and end of file error.
I understood what u said, but now i saved in the file what i wrote in the program!
But i want to write in the keyboard and save it in the file.

Something like this:

write(*,*) "Enter the mineral characteristics"


Is that possible??

And thanks for your patient! :)
Something like this?
case(2) !2-Inserir novo mineral
   ! Read from the keyboard
   write(*,*) "Enter the mineral characteristics"
   read(*,*) basedados%numero, basedados%nome

   ! Append to the file
    open (2, file="basedados.txt", iostat = ok, status='old', access='append')
    write(2,*) basedados%numero, basedados%nome


Hey there! I think is really something like that!
But isn't working 'cause give me an error like this:

At line 48 of file basedados.f95 (unit = 5, file = 'stdin')
Fortran runtime error: Bad integer for item 2 in list input

I don't understande 'cause my 2nd item is a character and is defined like it, but the program dont understand it! :S

my complete program is:

program basededados

implicit none

type mineral !Definicao de mineral com as suas caracterisitcas
integer:: numero
character(50) :: nome,cor, brilho
real :: dureza
end type mineral

type (mineral), dimension(10) :: basedados

integer:: opcao, i, ok, fim_fich, basemineral=0,n

write(*,*) "___________BASE DE DADOS DE MINERAIS_____________"

do while(opcao/=0)
print "('')"
print "('1-Ver lista de minerais')"
print "('2-Inserir novo mineral')"
print "('3-Apagar mineral')"
print "('4-Editar mineral')"
print "('5-Organizar mineral por alguma caracteristica especifica')"
print "('0-Fim')"
read(*,*) opcao

select case(opcao)

case(1) !1-Ver lista de minerais

write(*,*) "Numero do Mineral | Nome | Cor | Brilho | Dureza "
open (2, file="basedados.txt", iostat = ok, status='old') ! Abre a lista de minerais
if (ok == 0) then
do n=1, 10
read (2, *, iostat=fim_fich)basedados(n)
if (fim_fich < 0) exit
basemineral = basemineral +1
end do
write(*,*) "erro na aberura do ficheiro:",ok
end if
print "(i5,2x,a11,2x,a10,2x,a10,2x,f6.1)",basedados

case(2) !2-Inserir novo mineral

write(*,*) "Enter the mineral characteristics"
read(*,*) basedados%numero, basedados%nome

open (2, file="basedados.txt", iostat = ok, status='old', access='append')
write(2,*) basedados%numero, basedados%nome !( THE ITEM IS THIS ONE, AND IS DEFINED AS A CHARACTER)


case(3) !3-Apagar mineral

case(4) !4-Editar mineral

case(5) !5-Organizar mineral por alguma característica especifica

case(0) !0-Fim

end select

end do

end program basededados
The problem is basedados is an array. I didn't realize this when I gave you the earlier solution.

1) declare a new variable
type (mineral):: newmineral

2) For case 2
   case(2) !2-Inserir novo mineral

   write(*,*) "Enter the mineral characteristics"
   read(*,*) newmineral% numero, &
    newmineral%nome, newmineral%cor, newmineral%brilho, &

    open (2, file="basedados.txt", iostat = ok, status='old', access='append')
    write(2,*) newmineral !( THE ITEM IS THIS ONE, AND IS DEFINED AS A CHARACTER)

You will need to input all the values: a number, 3 strings and another number
Thanks man!! That is awesome! :)

But i didnt really understood why it didn't work with the array basedados??

And onther doubt if now i want to for manipulate the data present in the txt file, i work with the sentence like this:

newmineral&nome, newmineral%cor etc isn't it??

Greetings and thanks a lot
baseados is an array. I'm not sure why baseados%nome doesn't give an error. It should unless it means something different. Either way, you have to input a single item not an array.

You can manipulate the data by either

1) accessing baseados(i) where i is the index
2) newmineral = baseados(i)
do your manipulations
baseados(i) = newmineral

I understood what u said about manipulating the data, but now i have a new problem!

That is really stupid!!

In my case(3) i have this:

case(3) ! Insere novo registo

write(*,*) "Introduza as caracteristicas do novo mineral - Numero, nome, cor, brilho e dureza!"
read(*,*) newmineral% numero, & !Criei um novo type porque o type basedados estava-me a dar erros
newmineral%nome, newmineral%cor, newmineral%brilho, &

open (2, file="basedados.txt", iostat = ok, status='old', access='append')
write(2,*) newmineral


But if run the program, that don't run, and don't show me my menu. But if i delete the last part "Open(2, file....) the program show the menu!
I don't understand it!

I don't know if i explained really well to u, but can u give me a hint of what it is??

I already know why that happened! :)

I need a counter everytime I insert or delete a new mineral so that why the option didnt show up!

Yoopie! xD
A new problem! lol

Now i want to delete a mineral from my list from the keyboard, and i created a subroutine to do it, but it give me this error:


call apagar_min(newmineral,nummineral,apagamineral)
Error: Rank mismatch in argument 'minerais' at (1) (1 and 0)

What is happening??

My code is:

case(4) !

print *,"ano a apagar?"
read (*,*)apagamineral

call apagar_min(newmineral,nummineral,apagamineral)

! subroutine to delete a record in the matrix

! parametros
type (mineral), dimension:)), intent(inout) :: minerais
integer, intent(inout) :: nminerais
character, intent(in) :: nome
! variáveis internas
integer :: k
! search the name to delete
do k=1, nminerais
if (nome == minerais(k)%nome)then
minerais(k) = minerais(nminerais) !

nminerais = nminerais-1
end subroutine

Is the subroutine ok??

Thanks again one more time mate :)
newmineral needs to be an array like baseados
numminteral needs to be an integer
apagamineral needs to be a character(50)

In the subroutine

1) subroutine missing
2) nome needs to be character*(*)

When it talks about ranks, it normally means that your dimensions are not quite right
I already did what u said i think, but it continues wrong!! :s
Can u help me please???

program basedados

implicit none

type mineral !Definicao de mineral com as suas caracterisitcas
integer:: numero
character(50) :: nome,cor, brilho
real :: dureza
end type mineral

type (mineral), dimension(1200) :: basededados
type (mineral):: newmineral
character(50):: apagamineral
integer:: opcao=1, i, ok, fim_fich,n, nminerais=0

write(*,*) "*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.* BASE DE DADOS DE MINERAIS *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*"

do while(opcao/=0)
print "('')"
print "('1-Load Baseadados.txt')"
print "('2-Ver lista de minerais')"
print "('3-Inserir novo mineral')"
print "('4-Apagar um mineral')"
print "('5-xxxx')"
print "('6-xxxxx')"
print "('7-Save Basedados.csv')"
print "('0-Fim')"
read(*,*) opcao

select case(opcao)

case(1) ! Load ficheiro

open (2, file="basedados.txt", iostat = ok, status='old') ! Abre a lista de minerais
if (ok == 0) then
do n=1, 1200
read (2, *, iostat=fim_fich)basededados(n)
if (fim_fich < 0) exit
end do
nminerais = n-1
write(*,*) "erro na aberura do ficheiro:",ok
end if

print*, '.:Base de dados carregada com sucesso:.'

case(2) ! Mostra base de dados

print "(i5,2x,a11,2x,a10,2x,a10,2x,f6.1)",basededados(1:nminerais)

case(3) ! Insere novo registo

write(*,*) "Introduza os novos minerais - numero, nome, cor, brilho e dureza"
read(*,*) newmineral%numero,newmineral%nome,newmineral%cor,newmineral%brilho,newmineral%dureza

basededados(nminerais+1)=newmineral ! Contador de minerais que estao activos
nminerais = nminerais +1

case(4) !

print *,"ano a apagar?"
read (*,*)apagamineral

call apagar_min(newmineral,nminerais,apagamineral)

end select


! subrotina para APAGAR um registo de uma matriz
subroutine apagar_min(minerais,nminerais,nome)
! parametros
type (mineral), dimension:)), intent(inout) :: minerais
integer, intent(inout) :: nminerais
character, intent(in) :: nome
! variáveis internas
integer :: k
! procura ano a apagar
do k=1, nminerais
if (nome == minerais(k)%nome)then ! puxa um registo para trás
! garrafas(k:ngarrafas-1)=garrafas(k+1:ngarrafas)
minerais(k) = minerais(nminerais) ! ou coloca último no sítio do apagado
nminerais = nminerais-1
end subroutine

end program basedados

call apagar_min(newmineral,nminerais,apagamineral)
Error: Rank mismatch in argument 'minerais' at (1) (1 and 0)

there is my error
You need to rearrange your code to use modules
module mineralmod
type mineral !Definicao de mineral com as suas caracterisitcas
    integer:: numero
    character(50) :: nome,cor, brilho
    real :: dureza
end type mineral
! subrotina para APAGAR um registo de uma matriz
subroutine apagar_min(minerais,nminerais,nome)
   ! parametros
   type (mineral), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: minerais
   integer, intent(inout) :: nminerais
   character, intent(in) :: nome
   ! variáveis internas
   integer :: k
   ! procura ano a apagar
   do k=1, nminerais
      if (nome == minerais(k)%nome)then ! puxa um registo para trás
         ! garrafas(k:ngarrafas-1)=garrafas(k+1:ngarrafas)
         minerais(k) = minerais(nminerais) ! ou coloca último no sítio do apagado
         nminerais = nminerais-1
end subroutine
end module mineralmod

program basedados

    use mineralmod    
    implicit none
    type (mineral), dimension(1200) :: basededados
    type (mineral):: newmineral
    character(50):: apagamineral
    integer:: opcao=1, i, ok, fim_fich,n, nminerais=0
    write(*,*) "*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.* BASE DE DADOS DE MINERAIS *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*"
    do while(opcao/=0)
        print "('')"
        print "('1-Load Baseadados.txt')"
        print "('2-Ver lista de minerais')"
        print "('3-Inserir novo mineral')"
        print "('4-Apagar um mineral')"
        print "('5-xxxx')"
        print "('6-xxxxx')"
        print "('7-Save Basedados.csv')"
        print "('0-Fim')"
        read(*,*) opcao
        select case(opcao)
        case(1) ! Load ficheiro
            open (2, file="basedados.txt", iostat = ok, status='old') ! Abre a lista de minerais
            if (ok == 0) then
                do n=1, 1200
                    read (2, *, iostat=fim_fich)basededados(n)
                    if (fim_fich < 0) exit
                end do
                nminerais = n-1
                write(*,*) "erro na aberura do ficheiro:",ok
            end if
            print*, '.:Base de dados carregada com sucesso:.'
        case(2) ! Mostra base de dados
            print "(i5,2x,a11,2x,a10,2x,a10,2x,f6.1)",basededados(1:nminerais)
        case(3) ! Insere novo registo
            write(*,*) "Introduza os novos minerais - numero, nome, cor, brilho e dureza"
            read(*,*) newmineral%numero,newmineral%nome,newmineral%cor,newmineral%brilho,newmineral%dureza
            basededados(nminerais+1)=newmineral ! Contador de minerais que estao activos
            nminerais = nminerais +1
       case(4) !
            print *,"ano a apagar?"
            read (*,*)apagamineral
            call apagar_min(basededados,nminerais,apagamineral)
        end select    
end program
Sorry my option 4 still not workin! :S

I looked and I can't understand why that its happening!! Is that problem in the subroutine??

Can u help me please??
What doesn't work about it?

o Does it not compile - if so what errors are you getting
o Does it crash when running - if it does, what kind of crash are you getting?
o Does it run but not do what is expected - if so, say what is expected.
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