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How can I in sql

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Jun 20, 2003
I am trying to get text records out of a database the problem I am having is we have limited the text to being 75 char long so there is multiple lines for each comment_ID and I want to group the multiple lines together.
I have thrown my SQL statement in that i have so far
SELECT CitationComment.Comment_ID, EnglishText.EnglishText_ID, CitationComment.Employee_ID, EnglishText.EnglishText_Text
FROM (CommentText INNER JOIN ((Comment INNER JOIN CitationComment ON Comment.Comment_ID = CitationComment.Comment_ID) INNER JOIN CommentLink ON Comment.Comment_ID = CommentLink.Comment_ID) ON CommentText.CommentText_ID = CommentLink.CommentText_ID) INNER JOIN EnglishText ON CommentText.CommentText_ID = EnglishText.CommentText_ID;

so what i am trying to do is get the citationcomment.comment_ID that has multiple records for englishtext.englishtext to combine
did this make anysince

thank you for the help in advance

The OX

You don't write which database you use. If you use SQL server you can do it with scalar user function.
Here is an example with 2 tables (tblTest & tblTestChild).
create function ConcatTestChild(@tblTestID int)
Returns varchar(1024) as
Declare @s varchar(1024)
Set @s=''
select @s=@s + TC.Value from tblTestChild TC WHERE TC.tblTestID=@tblTestID -- this relies on TC.Value never being NULL, if so use COALESCE
Return @s
SELECT *,dbo.ConCatTestChild(tblTestID) FROM tblTest

I don't know if other database systems has simlar options. It is not a possiblity with Access. If you use Access, the only solution I can come up with is to do it in the front end.

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