so far, I have this, but it keeps loading the main page inside the frame when i click close. like, i have a main window ok, I also have a search, when the user clicks the search button, a blank window comes up, and code is written to the blank window to give it frames, one frame window, (the bottom one) has a the search page loaded into it, the other one (the top window) has a message that reads: Click here to close this window after you are finished searching.
anyway, when they click on it, for some wierd reason, the main page is loaded into that frame, here is what i have for the link to close the new window from one of its frames.
Click <a href="" onClick="self.close();">here</a> this window when you are finished searching plz.
- Rusty
anyway, when they click on it, for some wierd reason, the main page is loaded into that frame, here is what i have for the link to close the new window from one of its frames.
Click <a href="" onClick="self.close();">here</a> this window when you are finished searching plz.
- Rusty