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How can I Export an HTML table?

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New member
Jan 1, 1970
I wish to automate the "copy & paste" process on the contents of an HTML table so that users can export the displayed data to a local spreadsheet.
Any suggestions?
Here's my javascript solution. FAQ'd. :)


good luck!
Paul Prewett
This is how we do it...put this button under the table in your document.

<input style=&quot;FONT-FAMILY: arial; FONT-SIZE: 8pt&quot; value=&quot;Export to Excel&quot; type=&quot;button&quot; class=&quot;inputControl&quot; onclick=&quot;exportIntoExcel>

Function exportIntoExcel()
Dim j
Dim myRange
on error resume next

Set ExcelApp = CreateObject(&quot;Excel.Application&quot;)
If Err Then
window.alert &quot;Error starting Excel. Make sure you have Excel installed and that your browser's security setting for 'Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe' is not disabled.&quot;
Exit Function
End If
ON Error Goto 0
ExcelApp.Visible = true
Set ExcelWB = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Add
set s = ExcelWB.ActiveSheet

if not document.all(&quot;topTable&quot;) is nothing then
end if
if not document.all(&quot;reportTable&quot;) is nothing then
end if

Set s= nothing
Set myRange = nothing
Set ExcelWB = Nothing
Set ExcelApp = Nothing
maxColCount = 0
maxRowCount = 0
window.alert &quot;Excel spreadsheet created.&quot;
End Function

Dim ExcelApp
Dim ExcelWB
Dim s
Dim maxColCount : maxColCount = 0
Dim maxRowCount : maxRowCount = 0

Function addTableToSheet(thisTable)
Dim z
Dim i
Dim j

for i=0 to thisTable.rows.length - 1
for j=0 to thisTable.rows(i).cells.length-1
z = thisTable.rows.item(i).cells.item(j).innerText
s.Cells(i+1+maxRowCount,j+1) = z
s.Cells(i+1+maxRowCount,j+1).font.size = 10
if j+1 > maxColCount then
maxColCount = j+1
end if
'make a blank line
maxRowCount = maxRowCount + thisTable.rows.length + 1

End Function


I copied your code into a file and executed it. The Excel spreadsheet comes up but there's nothing in the spread sheet. Any ideas?


' *************************


<script language=&quot;javascript&quot;>
function fnDoCopy(){
textRange = document.body.createTextRange();



<table name=listTable id=listTable>
<td>This will be what gets printed</td>

<input type=button value=Print onClick=&quot;fnDoCopy();&quot;>

Correct... when the spreadsheet loads, there will be nothing in it...

You have to [CTRL]-V to get it in there.

The code in the FAQ only copies it to the clipboard. I have been unable to figure out how to get it to automatically paste it in there. I don't think it's possible. Just paste it in there, and you'll be fine.

Paul Prewett
to &quot;flies4fun&quot;
This looks good, and with my dummy table works fine...
The problem now is that when my table has been dynamically generated by a 3rd party call and is displayed on the HTML page, I don't have any way of labelling it as <table name=ANYNAME&quot; ID=&quot;ANYID&quot;> or whatever.
So I am having trouble calling it with your script :)
Earlier, using Paul's javascript solution, when I had to paste it by hand in the spreadsheet, that worked OK if I encased the command that creates this table in <table name=&quot;mytable><--!AAGNAME = values --></table>
Do you have any further ideas? What is the format for a simple &quot;paste&quot; instruction inside this object model?
Yea, that is a limitation for sure. Has the be the same table format each time that you create so that you can name it what you need to, and like I posted above, I have been unable to figure out how to get it to automatically paste it into the spreadsheet.

Like the FAQ says, printing has always been my biggest nightmare, but I guess I'm lucky in that I can use this method, so I haven't dug any further.

I wish I could help you out more. :-(

I found that if you are using ASP pages and you put this before the table tag, it will display your content in an Excel spread sheet.

Response.ContentType = &quot;application/vnd.ms-excel&quot;

Good luck!
In response to &quot;flies4fun&quot; post, I got an error when I tried to call the function with the button. It said &quot;exportintoExcel is undefined&quot;. Where should that script be placed in relation to the rest of the ASP?
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