I want to return all the dates within a given range. The dates are generated from a formula. I have different intervals for each task. for example, 30 days, 90 days, 365 days, 6 cycles. Each interval is added to the last inspection date to determine the next inspection date.
Item Last_date Actual_Interval Next_date
Item 1 02/04/2003 30 days 03/02/2003
Item 2 02/05/2003 90 days 05/04/2003
Once I set up a beginning date and ending date parameter, I want to see all Next_Dates in the range.
On the condition that you have "last date" and "actual interval" in the database.
You can create forumlas to pull the "interval type" and the number from the "actual interval" field (you will need to look at your data to decide how to do that). Then to display the "next date"
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