I was wondering if someone has any idea how I can create a Mail list within Exchange2003 SP2 under the GAL so users who use Outlook 2003 can send an email to all Client's in the Mail list instead of always having to place them one by one in an Email .I wonder if it is possible since the list will have external Email address so that any user under the Domain can send an Email to all Clients please advise thanks again for all your help.
I was wondering if someone has any idea how I can create a Mail list within Exchange2003 SP2 under the GAL so users who use Outlook 2003 can send an email to all Client's in the Mail list instead of always having to place them one by one in an Email .I wonder if it is possible since the list will have external Email address so that any user under the Domain can send an Email to all Clients please advise thanks again for all your help.