I have try to see the man of cp but there are not options that to set it not overwirte any file. finally I choose to use interactive mode but it is slow. Any suggestion?
You might try the following.
1. Create a small script like the one below, save it as "no.sh" and set execute permission on it:
while true
echo no
2. Use a command similar to this one: no.sh | cp -i srcfiles destdir
I cannot test this on Solaris right now, but it works on HP-UX (on HP-UX, the script is not necessary because the command "yes" can be used to do the same thing - unfortunately, I don't know if a similar command exists on Solaris).
This is somewhat dirty because you will force the answer "no" to every question. You might get unexpected results if a question different than "Overwrite (y/n)?" arises.
A better solution would be to create a script for the copy and have it verify if the destination file exists before copying.
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