Hi everyone, I’ve been using an old Crystal Reports program to design my report, like a pre 7.0 I guess possible 4.0 for that matter. Report consist of just listing information from an access 2002 database and the application that I made in VB6 was just a front end for the access database and a print button that on click will just display the report. The code looks like this as far as the print button goes
Private Sub Print_Click()
End Sub
And of course added the crystl32.ocx control component.
Now that I moved to CR10 dev ent. It’s a whole new world for me. First off I’ve read some of the forums on here and searched the internet on how to duplicate this process using CR10 but I have yet to figure out how. I seen many references to
VB6 samples : and
.Net samples : .
I downloaded the Simple Demo and upon loading in vb6 it tells me unable to load crviewer.dll. So what I did was go to references and selected
Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer Run Time Library 10 and then went to components and selected
Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library 10.0. I ran my application and it gave me this error,
Compile error: Method or data member not found
And it made a reference to:
CRViewer1.ReportSource = m_Report
and highlighted in blue ReportSrouce. What am I doing wrong??? I know I am overlooking something but I just can’t see it. For some reason I’m not getting the example in the simple demo zip file. Any help and or guidance will be appreciated.
Private Sub Print_Click()
End Sub
And of course added the crystl32.ocx control component.
Now that I moved to CR10 dev ent. It’s a whole new world for me. First off I’ve read some of the forums on here and searched the internet on how to duplicate this process using CR10 but I have yet to figure out how. I seen many references to
VB6 samples : and
.Net samples : .
I downloaded the Simple Demo and upon loading in vb6 it tells me unable to load crviewer.dll. So what I did was go to references and selected
Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer Run Time Library 10 and then went to components and selected
Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library 10.0. I ran my application and it gave me this error,
Compile error: Method or data member not found
And it made a reference to:
CRViewer1.ReportSource = m_Report
and highlighted in blue ReportSrouce. What am I doing wrong??? I know I am overlooking something but I just can’t see it. For some reason I’m not getting the example in the simple demo zip file. Any help and or guidance will be appreciated.