Here we are using on e3rd party control that is a ocx file now my problem is thathow can to call that ocx file in my asp page.
i used the object tag mentioning the classid its working on server but in client machine its giving probem if the ocx installed in client machine its working fine.how can reslove this problem.
i need to use server.crateobject()
i used this
Dim ObjBC
Set ObjBC = server.CreateObject("WBCDC.BarCode1"
but i am getting this error
Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'
Server.CreateObject Failed
/lts/sendtousa/test/RagBarCode1.asp, line 19
Invalid class string
pl help me
i used the object tag mentioning the classid its working on server but in client machine its giving probem if the ocx installed in client machine its working fine.how can reslove this problem.
i need to use server.crateobject()
i used this
Dim ObjBC
Set ObjBC = server.CreateObject("WBCDC.BarCode1"
but i am getting this error
Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'
Server.CreateObject Failed
/lts/sendtousa/test/RagBarCode1.asp, line 19
Invalid class string
pl help me