In theory Arcserve2000 database can hold 30+GB of data. But my personal experience is, when it is over 2GB, you start to get corruption problems. For example, if I have a full backup first day, then everything is good. I can see all my files under restore (either by tree or by session). Testing restore some files---great! then next day same backup job run again (same setting, full backup), next day, I can not see some of the files under restore either by tree or by session. Even the good backup on the very first day was gone. At this point the Arcserve database is about 1.5 to 2 GB. I have a 26GB free disk space on my hard drive. My ARcserve 2000 is fully patched. It seems this product is not designed for the big customer? I have tested my theory many many times. I always clean up my database first and then run full backup job. Is there anyone keep your database biger than 2 GB and without any problems?
In theory Arcserve2000 database can hold 30+GB of data. But my personal experience is, when it is over 2GB, you start to get corruption problems. For example, if I have a full backup first day, then everything is good. I can see all my files under restore (either by tree or by session). Testing restore some files---great! then next day same backup job run again (same setting, full backup), next day, I can not see some of the files under restore either by tree or by session. Even the good backup on the very first day was gone. At this point the Arcserve database is about 1.5 to 2 GB. I have a 26GB free disk space on my hard drive. My ARcserve 2000 is fully patched. It seems this product is not designed for the big customer? I have tested my theory many many times. I always clean up my database first and then run full backup job. Is there anyone keep your database biger than 2 GB and without any problems?