Karl Blessing
right now, I am having a problem with the form submited to me, originaly I had it check the variables for a _ , and = and so forth, but for some reason now, I cannot do Instr with "¦" even tho I know its there, it does work if I use the encoded ¦ , which is "%7C" how do I get all the strings to return to normal in my new ASP the form was submited to.<br><br><FONT FACE=monospace><font color=blue><br>' FormStr has 1 fields, "Variable=Value" from the Form Posting<br>'<!-- Grab Parameters --><br>FormStr = Split(Request.Form, "&"<br>ReDim FrmCol(UBound(FormStr),2)<br><br>'FormCol now has 2 feilds "Variable", "Value"<br>'<!-- Grab Variable and Value --><br>for i = LBound(FrmCol) to UBound(FrmCol)<br> TmpAry = Split(FormStr(i),"="<br> FrmCol(i,0) = TmpAry(0)<br> FrmCol(i,1) = TmpAry(1)<br>next<br><br>'<!-- Grab number of Root Catagories(Heads) --><br>Number = 0<br>for j = LBound(FrmCol) to UBound(FrmCol)<br><font color=red> rt = Instr(1, FrmCol(j,0), "¦"-1 '"%7C" works, "¦" doesnt </font><br> 'Response.Write "rt: " & rt & "(" & FrmCol(j,0) & "}<BR>" & vbcrlf<br> if rt > 0 then<br> if IsNumeric(Left(FrmCol(j,0), rt)) then<br> Number = Number + 1<br> Response.Write FrmCol(j,0) & " {" & FrmCol(j,1) & "}<BR>" & vbcrlf<br> end if<br> else<br> if IsNumeric(FrmCol(j,0)) then<br> Number = Number + 1<br> Response.Write FrmCol(j,0) & "<BR>" & vbcrlf<br> end if<br> end if<br>next<br><br>Response.Write Number<br>Response.End<br></font></font><br><br>there is more, but I am just debuging it now, to accept my new namming convention. <p>Karl<br><a href=mailto:kb244@kb244.8m.com>kb244@kb244.8m.com</a><br><a href= </a><br>Experienced in : C++(both VC++ and Borland),VB1(dos) thru VB6, Delphi 3 pro, HTML, Visual InterDev 6(ASP(WebProgramming/Vbscript)<br>