Hello! I do not know anything about Crystal Reports but I am desperate for help. I just got the book "The Complete Ref Crystal Reports 2008" but there is no way I will be able to get thru it in a week and be able to fix this report for my boss. This report came from a reporting application that came with our dailer software. The software company is no help what so ever.
We have a report that totals all the calls that come into our call center on an hourly basis. The boss needs the report based on the half hour. Here is the current formula I'm working with:
Numbervar ThisTime;
if ({@NumOffered}) = 0 then
ThisTime := 0
ThisTime := Sum({History.QueueTime}, {@DateHour})/{@NumOffered};
// minutes a nd second lang daw sa ni boss
if ({?TimeFormat}) = 0 then
// NumberVar Hours := (ThisTime \ 3600);
// NumberVar Minutes := (ThisTime - (Hours * 3600)) \ 60 ;
// NumberVar Seconds := ThisTime - (Hours * 3600) - (Minutes * 60);
// ToText(Hours, "0") + ":" + ToText(Minutes,"00") + ":" + ToText(Seconds,"00")
NumberVar Minutes := ThisTime \ 60 ;
NumberVar Seconds := ThisTime - (Minutes * 60);
ToText(Minutes,"00") + ":" + ToText(Seconds,"00")
ToText(ThisTime / 3600, 2)
Is this something one of you experts can help me with? I sure hope so, because this is all Greek to me. Thank you!
We have a report that totals all the calls that come into our call center on an hourly basis. The boss needs the report based on the half hour. Here is the current formula I'm working with:
Numbervar ThisTime;
if ({@NumOffered}) = 0 then
ThisTime := 0
ThisTime := Sum({History.QueueTime}, {@DateHour})/{@NumOffered};
// minutes a nd second lang daw sa ni boss
if ({?TimeFormat}) = 0 then
// NumberVar Hours := (ThisTime \ 3600);
// NumberVar Minutes := (ThisTime - (Hours * 3600)) \ 60 ;
// NumberVar Seconds := ThisTime - (Hours * 3600) - (Minutes * 60);
// ToText(Hours, "0") + ":" + ToText(Minutes,"00") + ":" + ToText(Seconds,"00")
NumberVar Minutes := ThisTime \ 60 ;
NumberVar Seconds := ThisTime - (Minutes * 60);
ToText(Minutes,"00") + ":" + ToText(Seconds,"00")
ToText(ThisTime / 3600, 2)
Is this something one of you experts can help me with? I sure hope so, because this is all Greek to me. Thank you!