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Hourly Data 1

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Mar 14, 2005
I am lost again in SQL programming...

Last year I posted this question

I am now trying to take the days I have rain logged from this query GMMastros gave me...

SELECT     FTBL_RainGauge.DateAndTime, ROUND(FTBL_RainGauge.Val, 3) AS val
FROM         FTBL_RainGauge INNER JOIN
                          (SELECT     TagIndex, DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, 0, DateAndTime), 0) AS Date, MAX(DateAndTime) AS LastRecordedRainFall
                            FROM          FTBL_RainGauge
                            WHERE      Val > 0 AND tagindex = '0' AND dateandtime > '12-1-2008'
                            GROUP BY TagIndex, DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, 0, DateAndTime), 0)) AliasName ON FTBL_RainGauge.TagIndex = AliasName.TagIndex AND 
                      FTBL_RainGauge.DateAndTime = AliasName.LastRecordedRainFall
ORDER BY FTBL_RainGauge.DateAndTime DESC

This query results are all the days that rain is logged.
How do I get the data of every hour of a day that rained?
Can you show some sample data and expected results? It would go a long way in helping you.


"The great things about standards is that there are so many to choose from." - Fortune Cookie Wisdom
Here is the results from the query above:

DateandTime             Val
2009-02-22 23:58:32.000	5.0000000000000003E-2
2009-02-18 23:44:08.000	0.25
2009-02-15 23:57:40.000	0.01
2009-02-14 23:57:36.000	0.14000000000000001
2009-02-12 23:57:12.000	0.14999999999999999
2009-02-11 23:56:12.000	0.84999999999999998
2009-02-10 23:51:28.000	0.10000000000000001
2009-02-01 23:53:48.000	0.44
2009-01-27 23:48:31.000	0.01
2009-01-23 23:47:00.000	0.17999999999999999
2009-01-20 23:55:50.000	4.0000000000000001E-2
2009-01-19 23:55:43.000	7.0000000000000007E-2
2009-01-08 23:52:31.000	5.0000000000000003E-2
2009-01-07 23:50:45.000	0.02
2009-01-04 23:54:22.000	0.02
2008-12-28 23:51:53.000	0.29999999999999999
2008-12-27 23:51:49.000	5.9999999999999998E-2
2008-12-26 23:51:42.000	0.20000000000000001
2008-12-24 23:51:31.000	0.89000000000000001
2008-12-20 23:44:23.000	0.01
2008-12-18 23:58:17.000	2.9999999999999999E-2
2008-12-10 23:44:59.000	4.0000000000000001E-2
2008-12-09 23:55:03.000	1.01
2008-12-04 23:53:58.000	0.01
2008-12-03 23:53:17.000	0.01
2008-12-01 23:51:59.000	0.02

Here is a query of 12 hours on FTBL_RainGauge on a date when it had rained.

SELECT     DateAndTime, TagIndex, Val
FROM         FTBL_RainGauge
WHERE     (DateAndTime BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME, '2008-12-24 00:00:00', 102) AND CONVERT(DATETIME, '2008-12-24 12:00:00', 102)) AND (TagIndex = 0)

DateAndTime	    TagIndex	Val
12/24/2008 12:06:27 AM	0	0
12/24/2008 12:21:27 AM	0	0
12/24/2008 12:36:27 AM	0	0
12/24/2008 12:51:27 AM	0	0
12/24/2008 1:06:27 AM	0	0
12/24/2008 1:21:27 AM	0	0
12/24/2008 1:36:27 AM	0	0
12/24/2008 1:51:27 AM	0	0
12/24/2008 2:06:27 AM	0	0
12/24/2008 2:21:27 AM	0	0
12/24/2008 2:36:28 AM	0	0
12/24/2008 2:51:28 AM	0	0
12/24/2008 3:06:28 AM	0	0
12/24/2008 3:21:28 AM	0	0
12/24/2008 3:36:28 AM	0	0
12/24/2008 3:51:28 AM	0	0
12/24/2008 4:06:28 AM	0	0
12/24/2008 4:21:28 AM	0	0
12/24/2008 4:36:28 AM	0	0
12/24/2008 4:51:28 AM	0	0
12/24/2008 5:06:28 AM	0	0
12/24/2008 5:21:28 AM	0	0
12/24/2008 5:36:28 AM	0	0
12/24/2008 5:51:28 AM	0	0
12/24/2008 6:06:28 AM	0	0
12/24/2008 6:21:28 AM	0	0
12/24/2008 6:36:28 AM	0	0
12/24/2008 6:51:28 AM	0	0
12/24/2008 7:06:28 AM	0	9.99999977648258E-03
12/24/2008 7:21:28 AM	0	9.99999977648258E-03
12/24/2008 7:36:28 AM	0	9.99999977648258E-03
12/24/2008 7:51:28 AM	0	9.99999977648258E-03
12/24/2008 8:06:28 AM	0	9.99999977648258E-03
12/24/2008 8:21:28 AM	0	9.99999977648258E-03
12/24/2008 8:36:28 AM	0	9.99999977648258E-03
12/24/2008 8:51:28 AM	0	9.99999977648258E-03
12/24/2008 9:06:28 AM	0	9.99999977648258E-03
12/24/2008 9:21:28 AM	0	9.99999977648258E-03
12/24/2008 9:36:28 AM	0	9.99999977648258E-03
12/24/2008 9:51:28 AM	0	9.99999977648258E-03
12/24/2008 10:06:28 AM	0	9.99999977648258E-03
12/24/2008 10:21:29 AM	0	9.99999977648258E-03
12/24/2008 10:36:29 AM	0	9.99999977648258E-03
12/24/2008 10:51:29 AM	0	9.99999977648258E-03
12/24/2008 11:06:29 AM	0	9.99999977648258E-03
12/24/2008 11:21:29 AM	0	9.99999977648258E-03
12/24/2008 11:36:29 AM	0	9.99999977648258E-03
12/24/2008 11:40:42 AM	0	2.99999993294477E-02
12/24/2008 11:51:29 AM	0	2.99999993294477E-02


Based on that last set of data (the raw data from the table), what output would you like to see?


"The great things about standards is that there are so many to choose from." - Fortune Cookie Wisdom
The last record for every hour.

12/24/2008 12:51:27 AM    0    0
12/24/2008 1:51:27 AM    0    0
12/24/2008 2:51:28 AM    0    0
12/24/2008 3:51:28 AM    0    0  
12/24/2008 4:51:28 AM    0    0
12/24/2008 5:51:28 AM    0    0
12/24/2008 6:51:28 AM    0    0
12/24/2008 7:51:28 AM    0    9.99999977648258E-03
12/24/2008 8:51:28 AM    0    9.99999977648258E-03
12/24/2008 9:51:28 AM    0    9.99999977648258E-03
12/24/2008 10:51:29 AM    0    9.99999977648258E-03
12/24/2008 11:51:29 AM    0    2.99999993294477E-02

Try this:

SELECT     FTBL_RainGauge.DateAndTime, ROUND(FTBL_RainGauge.Val, 3) AS val
FROM         FTBL_RainGauge INNER JOIN
                          (SELECT     TagIndex, DateAdd([!]Hour[/!], DateDiff([!]Hour[/!], 0, DateAndTime), 0) AS Date, MAX(DateAndTime) AS LastRecordedRainFall
                            FROM          FTBL_RainGauge
                            WHERE      Val > 0 AND tagindex = '0' AND dateandtime > '12-1-2008'
                            GROUP BY TagIndex, DateAdd([!]Hour[/!], DateDiff([!]Hour[/!], 0, DateAndTime), 0)) AliasName ON FTBL_RainGauge.TagIndex = AliasName.TagIndex AND
                      FTBL_RainGauge.DateAndTime = AliasName.LastRecordedRainFall
ORDER BY FTBL_RainGauge.DateAndTime DESC

Note that this is the same query you posted earlier (in your original question), but I replaced Day with Hour. Give it a try... I think it's probably what you are looking for.


"The great things about standards is that there are so many to choose from." - Fortune Cookie Wisdom
Thanks George! It works!

I was reading books online datapart trying to figure this out the whole time.
One more question...

I am trying to get just 1 day of hourly data to display and Im using this query

SELECT     FTBL_RainGauge.DateAndTime, ROUND(FTBL_RainGauge.Val, 3) AS val
FROM         FTBL_RainGauge INNER JOIN
                          (SELECT     TagIndex, DateAdd(Hour, DateDiff(Hour, 0, DateAndTime), 0) AS Date, MAX(DateAndTime) AS LastRecordedRainFall
                            FROM          FTBL_RainGauge
                            WHERE      Val > 0 AND tagindex = '0' AND DateAndTime BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME, '2008-12-01 00:00:00', 102) AND CONVERT(DATETIME,              '2008-12-02 00:00:00', 102)
                            GROUP BY TagIndex, DateAdd(Hour, DateDiff(Hour, 0, DateAndTime), 0)) AliasName ON FTBL_RainGauge.TagIndex = AliasName.TagIndex AND 
                      FTBL_RainGauge.DateAndTime = AliasName.LastRecordedRainFall
ORDER BY FTBL_RainGauge.DateAndTime

is there a way to use the date add function instead of the between? All I want to resolve is 1 days worth of hourly data.

Thanks Again!
Actually.... when you want to get a full day's worth of data, and you have time's stored in your DateTime column, the best way to handle this is to use two conditions. Like this.

SELECT FTBL_RainGauge.DateAndTime, ROUND(FTBL_RainGauge.Val, 3) AS val
         (SELECT TagIndex, DateAdd(Hour, DateDiff(Hour, 0, DateAndTime), 0) AS Date, MAX(DateAndTime) AS LastRecordedRainFall
          FROM   FTBL_RainGauge
          WHERE  Val > 0 
                 AND tagindex = '0' 
                 [!]AND DateAndTime >= CONVERT(DATETIME, '2008-12-01 00:00:00', 102)
                 AND DateAndTime <  CONVERT(DATETIME, '2008-12-02 00:00:00', 102)[/!]
          GROUP BY TagIndex, DateAdd(Hour, DateDiff(Hour, 0, DateAndTime), 0)
         ) AliasName 
           ON  FTBL_RainGauge.TagIndex = AliasName.TagIndex 
           AND FTBL_RainGauge.DateAndTime = AliasName.LastRecordedRainFall
ORDER BY FTBL_RainGauge.DateAndTime

This way, if there is an index on the DateAndTime column (and there should be for performance reasons), using multiple conditions will effectively use those indexes and your query will perform faster. For more information about WHY this is faster [google]SQL Server Sargable[/google].


"The great things about standards is that there are so many to choose from." - Fortune Cookie Wisdom
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