Below is the code that I have on my form that when a
checkbox is checked an email is generated. Part of this
email I want to be a hotlink to a file. The code picks
up the hotlink path but does not show it as a hotlink. When
the email is opened and I hit enter right after the hotlink
it then turns it into a hotlink. How can I make this a
hotlink without having to hit the enter key after the email
checkbox is checked an email is generated. Part of this
email I want to be a hotlink to a file. The code picks
up the hotlink path but does not show it as a hotlink. When
the email is opened and I hit enter right after the hotlink
it then turns it into a hotlink. How can I make this a
hotlink without having to hit the enter key after the email
"\\abmfl2sv\omsweb\BEREA_OMSs\OMS_PENDING_APPROVAL\" & Me.OMS_Name.Value & ".pdf"
If Me.OMS_Pending_Approval.Value = True Then
Dim m As Outlook.MailItem
Dim toEmail1 As String
Dim toEmail2 As String
Dim ccEmail1 As String
Dim ccEmail2 As String
Dim ccEmail3 As String
Dim bccEmail1 As String
Dim SL As String, DL As String
SL = vbNewLine
DL = SL & SL
Set O = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set m = Outlook.CreateItem(0)
toEmail1 = Me.SOE_Worker.Value & ""
'ccEmail1 = ";;"
'ccEmail2 = DLookup("LoginName", "ChangeFormUserNameTbl", "ActualName='" & Me.EcnBomAnalystAssigned & "'") & ""
'ccEmail3 = ""
bccEmail1 = ""
m.To = toEmail1
m.CC = ccEmail1 & ";" & ccEmail2
m.BCC = bccEmail1
m.Subject = "Form #" & Me.Form__.Value & " OMS Needs Approved"
m.Body = "SOECode:=" & Me.SOE_Code & SL & _
"Process:=" & Me.Process.Value & SL & _
"SOE Worker:=" & Me.SOE_Worker.Value & SL & _
"Date Changed:=" & Me.Date_Change & SL & _
"Date Needed:=" & Me.soe_date_needed & SL & _
"What was changed:=" & Me.What_Changed & DL & _
"Please try and approve this OMS withing 24 hours, with the maximum being 48 hours! Thank You." & DL & _
"\\abmfl2sv\omsweb\BEREA_OMSs\OMS_PENDING_APPROVAL\" & Me.OMS_Name.Value & ".pdf" & DL & _
"Thank You" & DL & _
DLookup("ActualName", "tblUserNameActualName", "UserName='" & GetCurrentUserName() & "'")
End If